Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 06/10/2016
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 06:01:27
File Size: 1500.18 MB (1536188.00 KB)
Downloads: 442 downloads
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Player's Review

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom is the fourth main game in Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction space combat simulator video game series, produced by Origin Systems and released by Electronic Arts for the PC in 1996 and the Sony PlayStation in 1997.

The first game set after the end of the Terran-Kilrathi War, Wing Commander IV depicts a galaxy in the midst of a chaotic transition, with human civilians, Kilrathi survivors and former soldiers on both sides attempting to restabilize their lives.

This video is considerably shorter than my Wing Commander III run which is in no small part due to the smaller missions and a fair amount of cut scenes removed compared against the pc original. Also the pc version came on 6 cd roms and the playstation version fits onto 4 with notably compressed quality. Also there are no transition effects when moving between rooms on the ship. In hindsight, that was perhaps an error on my part enabling and keeping them enabled during the wc III run as they just drag the video out. The cockpit is also noticeably low res compared to previous game. looks quite blocky and badly scaled. As mentioned, the missions are shorter as there are no battles where you have to take down 30/40 ships to beat the mission and very few capital ships to worry about.

This game also allows analogue control but its far to sensitive and while control is smoother, it is also to fast so you overshoot where you want to be constantly. There doesn't seem to be any control acceleration like the previous game though. In the end I stuck to the wc3 control layout since I got used to that. I started out in the default Action mode but found I had to little control so switched a few setting to near sim control although I think I should have gone full sim mode. Interestingly, there seems to be no function for control power of ship systems. This can be troubling later on when you want a bit more firepower for those slow Tachon weapons. Again, the wingmen don't seem to do a whole lot. The game strangely gets really easy in the last few missions.

A long with the cut fmv sequences are a few decision making parts so you cant boost the moral of particular officers. Quite noticeable during disc on you will see images of people in the rest area, but you cant interact with them. In one instance you would get to side with an officer and choose which system to tackle but you are forced one way in this version. I may be missing the option of some weapon upgrades from pliers. Also missing are any planet/land based missions.

Some Time stamps to help navigate the video:-

00:00:00 Intro and Recall
00:18:50 Rescue Hostages on Tyr
00:58:49 Enforce Confed Edict
01:26:50 Save the Intrepid (CD2)
02:04:26 Infiltrate Comm Station
02:30:42 Protect Kilrathis, escort them home
03:04:33 Dead Zone (CD3)
03:35:17 Spearadon Weapons Raid
04:20:09 Investigating what happened... (CD4 4:42:35 )
04:57:21 Go by Ella
05:30:22 Seether
05:48:00 13 Mins of credits!