Gundam: The Battle Master

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 14/08/2018
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 00:24:43
File Size: 208.92 MB (213936.80 KB)
Downloads: 329 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Prepare for battle!

[Robot!] Fighting game by Bandai.

Just a fighting game involving robots blowing up other robots! I THINK there is a plot somewhere involving the individual characters.

Gameplay involves a punch, kick, shoot, and beam weapon buttons. There are also special moves that use the E.Cap meter. The goal is to reduce armor 3 times and go for the win!

This longplay plays through a story mode with the Gundam.

Wealth and glory to the winner!