The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993)

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Game Boy
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 24/07/2016
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 04:42:13
File Size: 410.14 MB (419982.67 KB)
Downloads: 705 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

A Zelda game by Nintendo EAD.

Follow Zelda as his ship gets rekt and gets put on an island to find some magical instruments. Triangles and Acorns are aplenty.

Plays like the usual Zelda game: get a sword, get a shield, solve puzzles, get trinkets, save the day.

This longplay goes for 100%: all upgrades, all items, all heart pieces, even all 26 Secret Seashells, even though you only need 20 for the Level 2 Sword. If I wasn't worried about 26 Seashells, I would've already have the Level 2 Sword in Catfish's Maw.

=hums tune of the Guardian Acorn/Piece of Power=