Carnage, developed by David Sowerby and published by Zeppelin games in 1993.
Player's Review
"Carnage is the ultimately addictive sports car racing game testing driving skill and nerve to their limits! Up to FOUR competitors can compete over SIXTEEN unique circuits, winning races, uprating vehicle performance and eliminating opponents with carefully positioned High Explosive Devices. Carnage is an orgy of fast cars, destruction and mayhem!"
The C64 game box blurb is flat out deceptive as it talks about the 16 bit version as well as using an F1 vehicle on the games box art and title screen which is not featured in the game! The gameplay is similar to Codemasters Slicks but not nearly as well polished with the most notable difference being that Zeppelins game takes place on a single overhead screen much like Super Sprint.
Released as a 3.99 budget game you get 8 tracks which constantly loop while you are winning. the moment you lose a race, it's game over regardless of how many points you have in the endless championship making the whole point system rather ...pointless. Winning each race awards you with money which you can spend on vehicle upgrades or land mines.
The game starts out promising with a beefy title tune although you may be wondering what up with the car after seeing the F1 car on the box. The first couple of tracks are fairly easy but once the ai cars start getting upgrades, the challenge is on! Upgrading acceleration and speed will keep you in the game but upgrading grip may not have the intended effect. The controls can feel twitchy requiring only a tap or two to face in the direction you want. With upgraded grip, the car turns on a dime so even a slight tap could turn your car almost completely around.
Hitting walls will cause damage and especially on the later levels with extra speed those walls will cause lots of damage. You can also take slight damage from impact of other cars. At max damage, the car will slow to a crawl. You can enter pits at any time to repair damage. Doing so you'll probably notice the red car having a crazy speed advantage no matter how far ahead you are allowing it to catch up quick.
Overall, the game is nice initially, but looping endlessly makes it repetitive especially as the score system seems to mean nothing as claiming 3rd or 4th place will end the game. The sound is grating as you see how long you can take the high pitch engine noise before tinnitus sets in. The game was promising but lacks polish and no goal or ending to work towards makes it all seem like a wasted effort.
00:00:00 Title Music
00:03:00 Loop One
00:17:05 Loop Two
The C64 game box blurb is flat out deceptive as it talks about the 16 bit version as well as using an F1 vehicle on the games box art and title screen which is not featured in the game! The gameplay is similar to Codemasters Slicks but not nearly as well polished with the most notable difference being that Zeppelins game takes place on a single overhead screen much like Super Sprint.
Released as a 3.99 budget game you get 8 tracks which constantly loop while you are winning. the moment you lose a race, it's game over regardless of how many points you have in the endless championship making the whole point system rather ...pointless. Winning each race awards you with money which you can spend on vehicle upgrades or land mines.
The game starts out promising with a beefy title tune although you may be wondering what up with the car after seeing the F1 car on the box. The first couple of tracks are fairly easy but once the ai cars start getting upgrades, the challenge is on! Upgrading acceleration and speed will keep you in the game but upgrading grip may not have the intended effect. The controls can feel twitchy requiring only a tap or two to face in the direction you want. With upgraded grip, the car turns on a dime so even a slight tap could turn your car almost completely around.
Hitting walls will cause damage and especially on the later levels with extra speed those walls will cause lots of damage. You can also take slight damage from impact of other cars. At max damage, the car will slow to a crawl. You can enter pits at any time to repair damage. Doing so you'll probably notice the red car having a crazy speed advantage no matter how far ahead you are allowing it to catch up quick.
Overall, the game is nice initially, but looping endlessly makes it repetitive especially as the score system seems to mean nothing as claiming 3rd or 4th place will end the game. The sound is grating as you see how long you can take the high pitch engine noise before tinnitus sets in. The game was promising but lacks polish and no goal or ending to work towards makes it all seem like a wasted effort.
00:00:00 Title Music
00:03:00 Loop One
00:17:05 Loop Two
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