Terra Cognita

Terra Cognita, C64 conversion developed by Martin Sexton and published by Codemasters in 1986.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 08/05/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2025
Duration: 00:07:11
File Size: 12.23 MB (12524.00 KB)
Downloads: 117 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The Warrior Robot craves vengeance - Force Beams seek to destroy you - Droids pursue you. However you have your Photon Lazer and your reactions are fast - your intelligence is high - you CAN survive!"

Another £1.99 Budget game. This one is short if you can survive long enough. Another odd game cover which doesn't quite match the game. The game is always scrolling forward. It is up to you to nice the blocks which you can fly over and which ones are the wall. Sometimes there are what looks like a fork in the road and taking the wrong one leads to death as you hit the wall.

There are weapon upgrades and bonus pickups but the blocks to avoid are the yellow time warps which send you back to the start! Maybe be useful if it the time warp or the wall though. if a wall is hit, you are automatically beamed to the nearest launch pad whist losing a life. Always collect the fuel as these can be few and far between and you don't want to run out.

00:00:00 Title Music
00:00:55 Gameplay