SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative

SDI, arcade conversion by Source and published by Activision in 1988.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 15/11/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2031
Duration: 00:35:52
File Size: 42.08 MB (43088.00 KB)
Downloads: 50 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The button has been pressed - it's all-out nuclear war. As bomb-laden missiles rocket above a terror-stricken Earth, East and West are locked in the deadliest game of all. With an awesome cache of nuclear weapons at your disposal, can you zap your enemy and save the planet from imminent catastrophe? Using skill, judgement and razor-sharp reactions, you must deploy your Strategic Defence Initiative - and avoid global disaster!"

An original SEGA Arcade game converted to pretty much all the home systems of the time. I quite like this one and it seems to have been handled well even as a single load game on the C64. You control a satellite weapons platform and are instructed to destroy all incoming enemy fire and any rogue satellites, enemies and bases you come across. You can move the satellite and aim its weapons independently and that's where some frustration can set in as you try to line up a shot yet need to avoid incoming fire. I play on one controller with the holding fire allowing you to aim and releasing allowing you to move. You do have the option of two controllers just like the arcade.

In each level, the best case scenario is to not let any enemy rockets slip through and this will ensure you get a perfect rating at the end also rewarding you with a flicky. If anything gets through your defense is reduced. Should it get to zero, it is game over. Should you get a less than perfect run through the offensive half, you will play a defensive half. Here you need to survive and should you make it through, the defense bar will be restored for the next level. A perfect run in the Arcade original will allow you to play as flicky when you start over but that does not seem to have been replicated in the conversion.

Overall, a good conversion but collision detection is highly suspect and best make sure you are no where near enemies. Interestingly you can fly over asteroids and missiles without hard, i don't recall if other versions are like this. That said asteroids can get in the way of your weapons fire as it will switch to surface fire mode and not kill the enemy you are trying to aim at.

00:00:00 Title music
00:00:40 level 1
00:02:45 level 2
00:04:40 level 3
00:06:38 level 4
00:08:35 level 5
00:10:35 level 6
00:12:34 level 7
00:14:50 level 8
00:18:18 level 9
00:21:58 level 10
00:24:13 level 11
00:29:15 Level 1 (showing defence stage)
00:32:20 Level 2 (leading to game over)