ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth

Longplay Information

Author(s): RickyCRickyC
System: Xbox
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 03/07/2019
YouTube Release: 19/09/2023
Duration: 08:31:02
File Size: 26487.44 MB (27123133.60 KB)
Downloads: 229 downloads
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Player's Review

So firstly I will apologise for how badly I play here. This is my first time I've put any real time into a ToeJam game and it took me far too long to understand the basics mechanics, so much that I did consider restarting the game. Due to not understanding how certain things worked I found the game to be quite difficult but eventually things started falling in place.

For instance the power up that required you to press the button inputs in time with the rhythm, to being with I had no idea you could move while doing this. It made no sense to me at the time what use was this powerup if you had to hope bad guys would just walk close by to you.

Somehow I eventually got through the game and it's very enjoyable, and from what I see stays quite faithful to the genesis games. I cut out some parts of the video where I grind for money and keys towards the end.