Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Xbox 360
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 24/12/2016
YouTube Release: 27/09/2017
Duration: 00:28:21
File Size: 853.78 MB (874272.37 KB)
Downloads: 363 downloads
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Player's Review

Fighting game by Capcom. Either it's one of the greatest fighting games of all time or a completely broken copy-pasta game.

I think it's something about a creature and a gem. Fighting game! NO PLOT!

Plays like all the other Capcom crossover games, but with more changes. Uses 3v3 format and the game is a 4-button game instead of a 6 button (what would be Heavy punch and kick are Assist buttons and Light and Medium punch and kicks are relegated to the Light Punch and Kick button. Just have to press it twice in a combo, like LP-LP, which is LP-MP)

This EXTREMELY horrible longplay scrubs through Arcade mode on Expert difficulty with a team of Cammy-Akuma-Captain Commando (he is just here for godly anti-air assist). SORRY TO DISAPPOINT! LOTS and LOTS of input errors. I did tried to use Psylocke (also has a godly anti-air assist) instead of CapCom, but I couldn't for the love of GOD chain Kochou Gakure in midair. Shame. The attack melts the HELL out of the last boss.

"I wanna take you for a ride!"