OverBlood: A 3-D Sci-Fi Adventure

Overblood, a survival horror game developed by Riverhill Software and published by Electronic Arts in 1997.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 04/11/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2027
Duration: 02:29:00
File Size: 1101.17 MB (1127596.00 KB)
Downloads: 170 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"EVIL IS IN YOUR BLOOD - You wake from a cryogenic sleep with no memory. Stumbling through an underground base, you discover that an evil virus courses through your veins. You must find an antidote...and soon. With help from a friendly robot and a mysterious woman, you must battle infected clones and uncover the secrets of the base. Survival is only half the battle -- to prevail, you must defeat the mysterious scientist who controls your destiny."

A Sci-fi survival horror action adventure in the style of Resident evil and similar games only not to remotely the same standard. The dialogue is very b-grade in its delivery and is a mix of spoken and text without the option for both at the same time or subtitles.

The controls are a bit clunky, and some buttons have multiple functions depending where you are on the screen. It's easy to get stuck in the push stance when wanting to run for instance as they are on the same button. The camera can be switched between three views and i mainly stay in the default. I do show first person at the very end of the game. It's not that enjoyable to stay in that view.

There are only a few points in the game where you endup in combat. At these points you can switch to fists or the gun if you have it. Fist fighting is generally fine until near the end of the game where the enemy seems a little smarter. There are plenty of points in the game where you can die. Falling off a ledge as you walk to close is the most likely to encounter but you also die if an enemy drains your energy bar during a fight. When you die its game over and back to the beginning, but you do have the voice recorder to save your progress as long as you remember to use it.

The game is fairly short, and I show just a straight run through the game while showing where collectables are. If I haven't shown a particular room or corridor, it's because it's just an alternate way to get to a room already visited and not important. The graphics seem a little basic considering the screen is mostly empty with large empty rooms. At the end of the game, I show a few deaths but there is not much variation

00:00:00 The Game
02:26:18 Death scenes