Magical Tower

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Mega Duck / Cougar Boy
Region: HK
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/03/2024
YouTube Release: 31/12/2034
Duration: 00:40:49
File Size: 40.60 MB (41576.60 KB)
Downloads: 21 downloads
File Links:
Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Magical Tower is an Adventure game, developed by Sachen and published by Timlex International Limited, which was released in 1993. Seems to be loosely based on the unlicensed NES game of the same name. The objective is to defeat all enemies by using the Rock-Scissor-Paper logic, when colliding with an enemy that has the same form as your character it turns into their 'prey'.

00:00 - Start
00:33 - Floors 1-5
05:49 - Floors 6-10
13:06 - Floors 11-15
22:44 - Floors 16-20
30:05 - Floors 21-25
38:53 - Ending & Credits