Body Harvest

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Nintendo 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 21/01/2025
YouTube Release: 31/12/2035
Duration: 10:08:38
File Size: 4055.67 MB (4153010.54 KB)
Downloads: 29 downloads
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Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Shooter...action...SOMETHING! by DMA Designs. Essentially early day Rockstar.

Follow space d00d Adam as he time travels in 25-year intervals to stop some REALLY hungry alien bugs from annihilating Earth. Teaming up with him is a robot and a chick at mission control in a cool ship.

Actually an early 3D GTA game in disguise, gameplay involves shooting the bugs with guns and hopping into many vehicles to get around an area quickly. While going through a stage, the game pops out a Harvester Wave. If a Harvester Wave is not answered (not killing the main alien that feeds on humans), the main alien bug will transform into a Mutant to give you lots of trouble. Speaking of humans: there are human NPCs here and there that can't be killed. When the human gauge reaches full, the alien bugs win, the area becomes a psychedelic rave party, and then they blow up the area of the day for a Game Over and you may or may not have to start the WHOLE area over because the Human gauge is a little TOO high going into the next stage. Yes, AREA! Grin Failing some objectives also jack up the Human gauge. Thankfully there aren't a lot of them, though Siberia is really mean by dropping Harvester Waves if you fail some of the objectives, with one segment dropping TWO of them (one initial and one from failing)

This longplay slowly spams the map (and savestates. lol) while having camera mostly on topview on Hero difficulty with no human deaths, though I could've just rocked with some human deaths because they keep getting in my way! Doesn't save the fact that the game difficulty really ramps up just going into Java. I also pick up all Alien Artifacts and Weapon Crystals. I never did got far into this game as a kid (game rentals lol). I only made it to Java Stage 3 (i definitely recall failing the airboat section).

Fun fact: There is a mission in GTA: San Andreas that is a reference to this game, but no one knows that. :3