Penguin Adventure


Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: MSX
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 21/01/2025
YouTube Release: 31/12/2035
Duration: 01:00:12
File Size: 131.20 MB (134347.26 KB)
Downloads: 23 downloads
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Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Sequel to Antarctic Adventure, where (as a curious fact) Hideo Kojima participated in the game's planning. Yes people, before he started producing the Metal Gear series, though for some strange reason his name isn't shown in the staff roll. The story follows Penta, a penguin who has to bring home a golden apple in order to cure Penguette, the Penguin Princess.

This game expands a lot on the original by adding shops, a short bonus section in some stages, items/powerups (some of them are hidden and require performing a special action in order to pick them up), as well as unique enemies, unfortunately the developers at Konami removed the seals that appear in its predecessor. When you start, it allows you to choose a difficulty level, the only difference is that enemies, rocks and other obstacles appear more frequently. I chose Level 2 for the longplay. As for the shops, some stages have them and others do not, also that there are three different shopkeepers who can offer items either for cheap, at a slightly expensive price or for free, the latter only happens when it's Santa Claus who's managing the shop and appears at certain spots in the whole game. I try to visit each one of them, even if no items are available to purchase, for location purposes. The shops also feature a slot machine where you can place a bet of some fish and try your luck.

The bonus section is pretty simple, but timed, and consists of picking up as many fish as you can. Also, during this section you find a rare golden fish that gives an extra life as a reward. The locations for this minigame are hidden, also that only some stages feature it, and to trigger them Penta has to jump at a specific moment, if done right a pair of wings appear that let you access the bonus stage. Sometimes accessing this section skips over a good portion of the stage, so in this video you may see cases where I don't pick it up to show off a bit more, though the obstacles are randomly generated apparently.

During your adventure, getting certain items are definitely a must for later stages, especially the ones that are hidden and cannot be found elsewhere, thanks to a FAQ I was able to show off the required action to trigger those items. Oh and I should also mention that you have to pause the game once and only once in case you want to earn the good ending, otherwise you are greeted with the sad one forcing you to start over. This video includes both endings. And sort of an extra, I include locations of six hidden warp zones in this order: stage 1 to 6, 6 to 9, 9 to 12, 13 to 15, 15 to 18 and 18 to 21.

00:00 - Start
00:22 - Stage 1
04:03 - Stage 2
05:50 - Stage 3
09:10 - Stage 4
10:16 - Stage 5
11:20 - Stage 6
13:19 - Stage 7
15:08 - Stage 8
16:17 - Stage 9
18:52 - Stage 10
20:14 - Stage 11
21:37 - Stage 12
24:39 - Mid-game cutscene
24:57 - Stage 13
26:54 - Stage 14
29:15 - Stage 15
31:28 - Stage 16
33:57 - Stage 17
35:47 - Stage 18
38:35 - Stage 19
40:39 - Stage 20
42:19 - Stage 21
46:18 - Stage 22
49:14 - Stage 23
51:00 - Stage 24
54:39 - Real ending & credits
56:32 - Sad ending
58:13 - Warp zone locations