Metal Gear Solid 3: Persistence - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Needs replacement.

Longplay Information

Author(s): 3rdy3rdy
System: PlayStation 2
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 19/12/2011
YouTube Release: Banned
Duration: 03:26:03
File Size: 417.58 MB (427603.47 KB)
Downloads: 1430 downloads
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Player's Review

wooot my 1st long play Pfft

big thanks to tsunao and ScHlAuChi for all the help Smile

now for the longplay

this is the ps2 (slight) remake of the MCX (classic?) game metal gear 2
there are not that many changes thay changed every one's character icon and also some of there names

black color is now black ninja
natasha Markova is now gustava heffner
and the ultra box team is now the four horsemen

also fags now take bits of your HP over time

i was aiming to get all the collectibles but i missed 1 the tape recorder (wich stuns all enemeys)
was also aiming to get all radio numbers and most calls sometimes tho the number would not work
also sometimes i was waiting for someone to call me about what to do next so if it looks like
i was punching things randemly it was cus of that

i got caught alot do to my impatient'ness and at the part ware you need to make the key for the locker
i durped and froze the key 1st then heated it but you sapost to heat it 1st THEN freeze it so i stoped recording and went back
to re do it