Strikers 1945 (1996)

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 02/09/2017
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 00:41:07
File Size: 411.46 MB (421335.69 KB)
Downloads: 383 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

This is the first Strikers 1945 released in 1996 only in Japan. In the US the sequel that was released in 1998 had this title instead of II, so I added the year of release in the name to avoid confusion.

Here are the time stamps, the ending has many variations:

02:50 Fighter Index

08:28 Game starts, played with Zero Fighter

21:24 Zero Fighter scorecard
21:50 Zero Fighter good ending
21:59 Zero Fighter normal ending

22:08 2nd run (it only has the same ending for every character)

I have extracted the other endings. There they go:

36:00 bf-109 scorecard
36:25 bf-109 good ending
36:33 bf-109 normal ending

36:41 P-38 Lightning scorecard
37:08 P-38 Lightning good ending
37:16 P-38 Lightning normal ending

37:24 P-51 Mustang scorecard
37:50 P-51 Mustang good ending
37:58 P-51 Mustang normal ending

38:07 Shinden J7 scorecard
38:33 Shinden J7 good ending
38:41 Shinden J7 normal ending

38:49 Spit Fire scorecard
39:15 Spit Fire good ending
39:23 Spit Fire normal ending

The bad endings are extracted showing their 2 player score card:

39:30 P-38 Lightning & Zero Fighter scorecard
39:55 P-38 Lightning & Zero Fighter bad ending
40:03 P-51 Mustang & Shinden J7 scorecard
40:28 P-51 Mustang & Shinden J7 bad ending
40:35 Spit Fire & bf109 scorecard
40:59 Spit Fire & bf109 bad ending