Twisted Metal: Head-On - Extra Twisted Edition

Longplay Information

Author(s): Spazbo4Spazbo4
System: PlayStation 2
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 09/12/2017
YouTube Release: 03/02/2022
Duration: 03:25:43
File Size: 2818.63 MB (2886277.12 KB)
Downloads: 698 downloads
File Links: Download Part: 1
Download Part: 2


Player's Review

Featuring enhanced graphics and key gameplay features from the popular PSP title, Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition features four never before seen "Lost" levels that were built for the never-released Twisted Metal: Black sequel, plus an all-new never before seen Twisted Metal: Head- On level. Additionally, for the first time ever, fans will be able to take "Sweet Tooth" out of his ice cream truck and explore, on foot, an all new level filled with factoids about the Twisted Metal universe straight from the developers. Also, included with the game is an art booklet featuring never released concept art from the franchise.