771 posts | Last Activity on 26-08-2010 09:45 by torm223300
torm223300 26-08-2010 09:45, 14 years ago Responded in Guide to recording/editing video games
Re: Guide to recording/editing video games
For PCE, I think Ootake would do becuase it is always at sync.
Lemmy556 19-06-2010 19:48, 14 years ago Responded in Master System emulator
Re: Master System emulator
Yes. I always record(like one level) first then I use savestate(between levels) Is a good way,but you can use your own way as well
Responded in Master System emulator
FedericoZombi 19-06-2010 18:37, 14 years ago Responded in Master System emulator
Re: Master System emulator
can i use savestates while recording with Fusion ?
Responded in Master System emulator
Lemmy556 19-06-2010 16:42, 14 years ago Responded in Master System emulator
Re: Master System emulator
Fusion. Avi recording is included,but you need to install it first.
Responded in Master System emulator
FedericoZombi 19-06-2010 15:57, 14 years ago Responded in Master System emulator
Re: Master System emulator
is there any Sega Master System emulator that record movies and has savestate support ?
Responded in Master System emulator
JonL 14-05-2010 09:47, 14 years ago Responded in [Howto] Encoding videos
Re: [Howto] Encoding videos
Before doing this tutorial - download this:
Its the MeGUI profiles and scripts we use!

This tutorial is heavily based on the excellent one written by Nox1911, hipoonios and RickyC. You'll find the original here for further reference:

The initial steps (like capturing the game using FRAPS) are described in this topic.

If anything is missing or inaccurate, please tell me.

General description

The encoding steps are as follows: you are going to use an AviSynth file to append all captured videos, trim them if need be, and add your signature at the start.
Once this is done, you'll use MeGUI to create two separate files. One contains the video, encoded with the x264 codec (that makes it a lot smaller than the original captured files, while retaining a good quality). The second one contains the audio, encoded with the Nero AAC codec.
The last thing to do is to use mkvmerge to mux (merge) both files into a single, final file.


Download and install AviSynth. Find it here:

Creating the AVS script

1) Go to the folder where you put all the captured video files. Right click in Windows Explorer and choose New => AviSynth Script. Choose file name. The file extension should be .AVS

2) Edit file with Notepad (any text editor will do). Paste the following in the file:


Fps=60 #Set to Actual Framerate of the video (Used for timing of the subtitles)
SubsStart=5*Fps # How many seconds into the video before Subtitles show
SubsDura=8*Fps # How long Suptitles show for
SubsY=450 # How many lines down the image to show the subtitles. Up and lower this value to find best position.

PointResize(width*2,height*2) # Double-sizes the video (320x200 -> 640x400

Subtitle("", \
   first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura, \
   y=height-48, size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=2)
Subtitle("Played By ", \
   first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura+5, \
   y=height-24, size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=2)
Subtitle("www.longplays.org", \
   first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura+10, \
   y=height, size=24, text_color=$ffff00, align=2)

ConvertToYV12 (chromaresample="point"Wink # Converts to YV12 colorspace for h264 best for  Video up to 720.

#ConvertToYV12 #use for 720p or higher

FadeOut2(120) # Fades the video out at the end of the video over 120frames (2 seconds at 60 fps)

3) In the AviSource line, you need to indicate all your captured video files. If you have only one video file, just replace gamename by the proper filename.
You're likely to have more than one file, however, so you need to replace this line by something like this:


Notice that all lines finish with +\ except the last one. Replace the file01... file03 by the correct file names, and duplicate lines as needed (if you have 20 files, then you'd end up with 20 lines).

4) Replace by the full game designation. Replace by your nickname.

5) The signature should appear 2 seconds after the video starts, and should remain on screen 5 seconds. The SubStart line sets up the signature start time, in frame units. This value depends on the game refresh rate that you determined/chose earlier. Let's say the refresh rate is 50Hz. This means that the video contains 50 frames for each second. To set the signature to appear after one second, SubsStart should be set to 50. Set this value according to your refresh rate.

6) The SubsY lines indicates the vertical position of the signature. This default value (450) is set for movies that are 480 pixels high. You may need to set a smaller value if the game resolution is smaller, or set a higher value if you recorded at a higher resolution. As a rule of thumb, set it approximately at 9/10 of the movie height.

7) Save the AVS file. Play it in Windows Media Player (it won't play in VLC though). If everything went fine, your game should appear, with all captured parts seamlessly appended to one another, and the signature should appear during the first few seconds. Skim through the result for a first check.

8) When creating AVS files that append lots of video files (more than 50 or 60), you are likely to run into trouble. The file would not even play anymore, claiming that no codec combination was found to render the file. To bypass this issue, create several .AVS files that regroup less video files. You will be able to append all of them in the final encoding step. In the additional .AVS files, you should remove the Subtitle lines.

Trimming video files

1) When you recorded the game, you probably did it in separate sessions. That means your captured video is probably made of several video files. At the end of one file and at the start of the next, there may be some unwanted frames that you'd like to trim. Additionally, you may want to hide errors you made. The AVS file allows you to do that.

2) To remove the end of a video file, replace its line with the following:



Replace with the number of the last frame to display (see below to compute this value).

3) To remove the start of a video file, replace its line with the following:



Replace with the number of the first frame to display (see below to compute this value).

4) To remove some section in the middle of a video file, replace its line like this:



This is actually the same process as above and should be self-explanatory.

5) To compute the start or end frame in the lines indicated above, download and install VirtualDub (get it here: http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/). Open the video file in VirtualDub and use the position bar or any command in the Go menu to go precisely to the desired image. The exact frame number is indicated in the status bar.

6) Play your .AVS file again carefully. Check that everything goes smoothly and that you have removed all parts that should not be seen. The final movie will look exactly like this. Make sure it's perfect!


1) Download and install MeGUI. Get it here:

2) MeGUI requires the .NET Framework. If you're using Windows XP, you may need to install it manually. Either run Windows Update and select it in the optional updates, or go to the following page to download it:
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows Seven, you probably don't need to care about this.

2) Download the neroAacEnc.exe file. Get it here:

(if the URL changes, just Google neroAacEnc.exe) Copy this file in the same folder you installed MeGUI.

2) Run MeGUI. Go to the Options / Update menu. The application should check for components to update. Click Update. Go to the Options / Settings menu. Uncheck Open Preview after AviSynth script selection.

3) In the main window, select the Input tab. In the Video encoding section, in the Encoder settings dropdown, select "X264: *scratchpad*". To the right, click Config.

4) The x264 configuration dialog appears. Down in the Presets section, click New. Type in the name of a new configuration. Choose a name that represents the type of game that you are encording. 2D and 3D games may need different encoding settings, for instance. Older games and newer games may also require different settings. Choose a name (for instance "Old 3D Games"Wink, then click OK.

5) Select the Main tab. Check the Advanced settings checkbox. That makes several additional tabs appear. In the AVC Profiles dropdown, select "High Profile".

6) In the Modes section, select "Const. Quality" in the dropdown, then set the Quality value. This is the most important setting. It has the biggest influence on file size and video quality. The larger the value, the smaller the file. The smaller the value, the better the quality. Choose 30 as a base value. If the generated video looks bad, use a smaller value, like 28. If the file is really too big, set it to 31 or more.

7) (TODO: additional settings may need tweaking. this requires clarifying. take the following with caution) Select the Analysis tab. In the Motion Estimation section, set the M.E. Range value to 32, select "Multi Hex" in the M.E. Algorithm dropdown and set the Subpixel Refinement dropdown to "06 - RD on I/P frames". In the Macroblocks section, select "Custom" in the Partitions dropdown, then check all options in that section.

8) Click on OK to save your settings.

You may want to experiment with a special .AVS file that you'd have created with just a small part of the movie (about 5 minutes), so that you don't have to wait for hours each time you change encoding settings.

Encoding video

1) Start MeGUI. Select the Input tab. Concentrate on the Video encoding section. Make sure that in the Encoder settings dropdown, your saved settings are selected. Make sure that in the File format dropdown, "MP4" is selected.

2) Click on "..." next to the AviSynth Script field. Browse for your .AVS file.

3) In the Video output field is the name of the file that MeGUI is about to generate. I suggest that you click on "...", select a different folder to avoid confusion, and append "_Video" to the name.

4) Click on Enqueue. If you have more than one .AVS file, follow steps 2 to 4 for each one of them. Before processing the queue, you may also add the audio processing jobs described in the next section.

5) Select the Queue tab. Click Start. This operation takes a fair amount of time (several hours, depending on your computer speed). You may want to do this during the night.

6) When processing is complete, check the Status column. For each encoding job, it should read "Done". If it reads "Error", then check your .AVS file to see if it plays without error.

Encoding audio

1) Start MeGUI. Select the Input tab. Concentrate on the Audio section. Make sure that in the Encoder settings dropdown, "NERO AAC: *scratchpad*" is selected. Make sure that in the Extension dropdown, "MP4-AAC" is selected.

2) Click on "..." next to the Audio Input field. Browse for your .AVS file.

3) In the Audio output field is the name of the file that MeGUI is about to generate. I suggest that you click on "...", select a different folder to avoid confusion, and append "_Audio" to the name.

4) Click on Enqueue. If you have more than one .AVS file, follow steps 2 to 4 for each one of them.

5) Select the Queue tab. Click Start. This operation is a lot faster than the video encoding job.

6) When processing is complete, check the Status column. For each encoding job, it should read "Done". If it reads "Error", then check your .AVS file to see if it plays without error.

mkvmerge GUI

1) mkvmerge GUI is part of a set of MKV related tools name MkvToolNix. Download and install them. Get them here (scroll down for Windows version):

Muxing video and audio

1) Run mkvmerge GUI. Select the Input tab. Click Add. Browse for the x264 encoded video MP4 file that you have generated in the previous step. If you have more than one .AVS file, click on Append and select in sequence each additional video MP4 file.

2) Click on Add. Browse for the AAC encoded audio MP4 file that you have generated in the previous step. If you have more than one .AVS file, click on Append and select in sequence each additional audio MP4 file.

3) Next to the Output Filename field, click Browse and choose the name of the final MKV movie to generate.

4) Click Start Muxing. This operation should be fairly quick.

5) Play the resulting file. Skim through it to look for playback errors and sound desynchronization.

Creating more than one movie

If the game is logically split into episodes or chapters, you may decide to submit several separate movies. To do this, follow the above steps with the following differences:

1) Create separate .AVS files for each episode. You may create more than one .AVS file per episode, but make sure that two episodes are not in the same .AVS file.

2) When creating the final files using mkvmerge GUI, do not click on Append. Instead, generate each episode separately.
JonL 14-05-2010 09:33, 14 years ago Responded in [Howto] Recording PC games with FRAPS
Re: [Howto] Recording PC games with FRAPS
This tutorial is heavily based on the excellent one written by RickyC. You'll find the original here for further reference:

If anything is missing or inaccurate, please tell me.

[size=large]The game[/size]

1) You need to have the game, of course. Buy it and download it if you don't have it already. Install it in some folder. Download the latest patch available and apply it.

2) If the original game runs on MS-DOS, it is likely not to record properly. You need to use a source port. That is a new version of the game engine that someone modified to play nice in Windows XP, Vista or Seven. If you're a fan of the game, you probably already know more about that than I do. This tutorial takes for granted that the game (or the source port) uses either DirectX or OpenGL for display. If the game has a rendering option (that happens in early Win32 games, like Half-Life, for instance), use one of the above.

4) Source ports tend to add new features to make the game look better by nowadays standards (high resolution texture packs, 3D models, mouse look, translucency, smooth textures, new weapons special effects and so on). Try to disable them to remain as close to the original game as possible. Avoid fan-made enhancements and mods. Once again, it's all about being faithful to the original, NOT looking as good as possible.

5) If the original resolution was really low (like 320x200), you may want to double it, but please remain in reasonable bounds. Playing MS-DOS games in full HD will only end up in jerky playback and huge files. Rescaling video afterwards will give blurry results... and huge files. As a general rule, try to choose a resolution that is coherent with the period the game went on sales.

6) Configure in-game keyboard and mouse before anything. Choose mouse speed to suit your style. Test the game and make sure you feel comfortable with it.

7) Determine the game refresh rate. Either this can be configured in the game itself, or in recent game this is the general Windows refresh rate. The refresh rate indicates how many images per second the recorded video will contain. The most common refresh rate in the United States is 60Hz (60 frames per second). In Europe, 50Hz. The higher the refresh rate, the larger the video file. In slow moving games, dividing the refresh rate by 2 may be acceptable to get a smaller file size.
You will also need this information when adding subtitles in the video.


1) Buy, download and install FRAPS. Find it here:

2) Run FRAPS. Go to the FPS tab. Click on both Disable buttons to avoid triggering those functions inadvertently. Select Hide Overlay to avoid displaying the game speed while recording movie.

3) Go to the Screenshots tab. Click Disable or choose a shortcut key that you are certain will not collide with in-game functions. It would be unfortunate if pressing a key to save your game would also trigger a FRAPS screenshot, for instance.

4) Go to the Movies tab. Change the Video Capture Hotkey into something that will not interfere with in-game keys. I tend to use the Scroll-lock key because it is never used in games. Click Change to indicate where to store captured movies in. Make sure you have plenty of space available. You will likely need at least 300GB of free space.

5) To start recording, press the FRAPS shortcut key (Scroll-lock, for instance). To stop recording, press shortcut key again. To capture the game as soon as it starts, you can press the capture shortcut key before even running the game. FRAPS will start recording as soon as a DirectX application goes full screen.


1) Run the game, start recording, play a little, stop recording, exit the game.

2) FRAPS should have produced one or more video files that you should be able to play in VLC (http://www.videolan.org/vlc) or Windows Media Player. Make sure everything works before starting the real thing. Experiment until you are confident enough.

3) Note that videos created with FRAPS use a FRAPS codec that was installed with it. If you copy the captured video file to another computer, you probably won't be able to play it because the codec is missing.

[size=large]Stopping and restarting recording[/size]

1) When you want to stop your recording session, try to reach a point of the game where you can safely save. That can be the end of a level, or an automatic save point. Press the FRAPS shortcut key to stop recording, then make sure you save your progress in the game.

2) To restart recording, start the game and reload your last position. Press the FRAPS shortcut key to restart recording.

3) You will be able to join movie parts and trim movie parts from mistakes and redundant parts later, during the encoding process.


1) As a general advice, use the most common options in the game. If you can choose a character, choose the default one. If you can pick your route, use the default one. You may want to change the default behavior, but do it only for a good reason, like it's easier to play or it is more fun to watch. This is more of a personal advice than a real rule here.

2) Keep in mind that the resulting video should be fun to watch. This is not a demonstration of your skills, but a demonstration of the game, its gameplay, its backdrops, whatever makes it special. If you can do both, fine. But remember, not everyone likes to watch the player zooming around hoards of enemies at high speed during hours. Again, this is not an official rule, just food for your thoughts.

3) Plan before recording. Play each level at least once to find the best route. If you have problems with a particular enemy or situation, use save and reload to practice more than once.

4) Record small sessions at once. Prepare, say, 2 to 4 stages, then record them in one go. Create a savegame at that point as soon as you stop recording so that you are sure to be able to restart playing/recording from there.

5) After each recording session, move the resulting video files to a different folder, so that you don't delete them by mistake. Never delete any of them before the whole movie is finished, encoded, uploaded, and accepted by the Longplays.org managers (you never know).

6) If anything goes wrong (like you die, or you screw up), you can decide to stop recording, delete the bad video files (only the ones that you just screwed up, of course), and start again. Longplays do not need to be perfect, but you have to possibility to restart as many times as you like. Take advantage of that.

[size=large]Recording on slow PCs[/size]

1) If your computer is not fast enough to run the game and capture it at the same time, the resulting video will probably look bad. The best option of course, is to record on a faster computer. But the next few hints may help you get better results anyway.

2) Try choosing a lower resolution in the game. Less pixels to display, to capture, and to store to disk, that should help.

3) Try setting the FRAPS output folder to a separate physical hard drive. Avoid writing to an external hard drive connected through a slow connection like USB 2.0 cable.

4) Try lowering the in-game framerate (and the FRAPS capture framerate accordingly).
JonL 13-05-2010 13:05, 14 years ago Responded in [Howto] Joining the IRC channel and chatting
Re: [Howto] Joining the IRC channel and chatting
Most probably think it's easy, but at first I was a bit confused on how to chat. So I have written this small howto. Hope it's useful ;-)
If anything is missing or inaccurate, please tell me.

Using the built-in chat applet

1) Go to the following page :

2) Enter a nickname. Choose the same that you have used to register on the website, it'll make it easier to figure out who's who.

3) A chat room appears. On the right is a list of connected users. When you type in a message, it appears in the main window, and all connected users can see it. Their answers will appear too.

4) To have a private chat with someone, click on his name and choose PM. A separate tab will open. The messages you both type in this tab can only be seen by you two.

5) When new messages are typed in by someone else (either the main chatroom or private chats), the tab title turns blue.

Using standalone irc client

1) Download and install mIRC. Get it here:

2) Each time you start mIRC, it warns you about an evaluation period and asks you to register. If you use mIRC on a regular basis, then you should consider doing so, but otherwise, just click Continue. The program remains fully functional.

3) In the Options dialog box, select the Connect section. Choose a nickname and an alternate one (in case someone is already using you nick, or in case you're already connected somewhere else, for instance). Select the Connect / Servers section. Click on Add. Choose a description ("Longplays", for instance). In the IRC Server field, type in "irc.abime.net" (without the quotes). Click OK. This is a one-time procedure.

4) Connect to your new server. The Channel selection dialog box should appear. Type in "#longplays" (without the quotes) and click Join.

Admins and regulars are generally connected at night, Central European Time. They're here to help you with recording and encoding issues.
05-05-2010 11:59, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
irc.abime.net; #longplays
Responded in AVISynth Error
JonL 05-05-2010 09:46, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
I don't quite understand, as I'm new to irc.
I don't find it particularly user friendly for newbies, by the way. This is definitely a tool for geeks, like many early Internet services.

Two options :
1) the web client
Needs no configuration, but has no menus, no help, no hints. Basically it's a command line. You need to know irc commands. I don't know how to use it. Maybe it's too obvious and I'm dumb?

2) standalone irc clients
In standalone clients, you need to give 3 things : the network, the server and the channel.
We need to use irc.projectmage.com, channel #longplays. That is a server and a channel, if I'm not mistaken, so what's the network, then?

Maybe it would be useful to create a (very small) tutorial on the chat?

While I'm at it, I found the /upload.php page totally by chance (the "upload folder deleted" topic in the forum). Is there an obvious way to reach it that I missed?

Shouldn't those two pages be listed in the "Tutorials" dropdown next to the main menu?
Responded in AVISynth Error
JonL 04-05-2010 12:56, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
Thanks for your suggestions. I will try both tonight ;-)
Responded in AVISynth Error
Lemmy556 04-05-2010 12:44, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
Why you dont try edit your work with Virtualdub? You could use it for making one big movie of your 32 movies. It also would help you to solve your problem.
Responded in AVISynth Error
04-05-2010 11:23, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
I would recomend coming to the irc, and asking ScHlAuChi, he is a wizard! :-D
Responded in AVISynth Error
JonL 04-05-2010 07:51, 14 years ago Responded in AVISynth Error
Re: AVISynth Error
Hi all,
I'm running into the following since yesterday:
Apparently, FRAPS automatically splits the recorded movie into 4GB chunks (although my hard drive is NTFS) and I can't find an option to disable that anywhere.

So I've been recording this game for some time and the AVISynth script was working perfectly until now.

It contained something like this:

But then I reached 30 movie chunks and playback became erratic. It would stop playing at random.

I've recorded 2 more chunks, and now the AVS file won't play at all!

The following error occurs twice (one for video and one for audio) :

"DirectShowSource: couldn't open file xxx(32).avi: No combination of filters could be found to render the stream."

Any idea? Any workaround?
Thanks in advance...
Responded in AVISynth Error
Spazbo4 10-03-2010 11:13, 14 years ago Responded in [Tutorial]How to encode MPEG4 AVC videos
Re: [Tutorial]How to encode MPEG4 AVC videos
wait, do I have to do all of this, because so far i dont understand one thing about it, but it only needs to be in mp4 format, because I can do that, I just don't know if I have to do all that other stuff with the game name and junk
FedericoZombi 10-03-2010 00:26, 14 years ago Responded in Damn Gens !
Re: Damn Gens !
ok, thanks i will try that one
Responded in Damn Gens !
T-0815 10-03-2010 00:22, 14 years ago Responded in Damn Gens !
Re: Damn Gens !
When you record SegaCD games enable the "perfect SegaCD synchro" option. (CPU -> perfect SegaCD synchro) This can protect your recordings from desyncs too.
Responded in Damn Gens !
T-0815 10-03-2010 00:10, 14 years ago Responded in Damn Gens !
Re: Damn Gens !
You use a very old version. Use this one ...


Gens11a is very stable and high compatible. Dont use your old desynced recordings with the new version. Record them again ! Good luck ! =)
Responded in Damn Gens !
FedericoZombi 09-03-2010 23:35, 14 years ago Responded in Damn Gens !
Re: Damn Gens !
it's Gen 9.5b
Responded in Damn Gens !
FedericoZombi 09-03-2010 23:34, 14 years ago Responded in Damn Gens !
Re: Damn Gens !
the one that RickyC posted on the recordin tutorial
Responded in Damn Gens !
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