Archived downloads?

Last updated on 14 years ago
I visited on the Yoube channel and found NES Longplay [040] The Legend of Zelda (1st Quest) Played by;BimmyLee83 and there was off course a link to this site.Also when I was browsing the reguest forums I noticed that Killer Instinct has been on this site.My question is;Are those longplays available to download anywhere anymore..Is there any kind of longplays archive or similar from where to download these games?
Yeah. For all the nes games just click the nintendo link at the top of the page, then select nes. You'll find the arcade link and all the other categories at the top of the page too.
Thank you RickyC..I forgot the"search in all movies"and "sort by.."button..Oh boy..Do I feel dumb.I though that all there was visible,would have been all the movies.Apparently I had them in some random sorting setting as they were from the day that I joined..
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