Welcome to the Graphics Synthesizer Mode Selector (aka: GSM) Project
[img width=478]http://psx-scene.com/forums/attachments/f19/25843d1298726401-gs-mode-selector-development-feedback-gsm036.png[/img]
GSM intends to make on-the-fly conversion from the original graphic mode of PS2 game (or application) choosen by user, to the ones he/she wants to force.
One of benefits of using GSM is have a progressive scan output for a game originally designed to use interlace output. Or have a VGA output in your CRT/LCD Monitor for your preferred games. It seems great, isn't ii?
Well, GSM just makes a simple upscaling. It doesn't making interpolation (i.e. it doesn't add extra pixels / lines). So it doesn't increase the internal(=original=source) resolution, only the output (=forced=target) one.
So, there is no miracle here... The greater the quality of source (original) resolution of the game, the better will be the results that will be displayed on target (forced) resolutions - specially on the higher ones, where the images naturally tend to be pixelized. BTW, see "List of games using your PS2 to the maximum" topic below.
Typically from...
PAL 640 x 512 interlaced (even/odd fields or framed) mode (50Hz)
NTSC 640 x 448 interlaced (even/odd fields or framed) mode (60Hz)
- HDTV 720x480 progressive mode (60Hz) *
- HDTV 720 x 576 progressive mode (50Hz) *
- HDTV 1280 x 720 progressive mode (60Hz) *
- HDTV 1920 x 1080 interlaced mode (60Hz) *
- VGA(VESA) 640 x 480 (60/72/75/85 Hz) **
- VGA(VESA) 800 x 600 (56/60/72/75/85 Hz) **
- VGA(VESA) 1280 x 1024 (60/75 Hz)**
* Via Component cable
** Via VGA cable (or adaptor connected to Component cable)
1. ELF Launch method:
a) Modchip with DEV1(DEVolution mode #1) option, that allows ELF booting from mc0 (mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF)
b) uLE (Unofficial Launch Elf) and/or FCMB (Free Memory Card Boot)software, which allows ELF execution from many devices (mc, mass, hdd, cd, dvd, ...)
c) Bootable PS2 CD, you can do it putting the ELF file into a ISO image built by CDGENPS2 (CDGenPS2 - Playstation 2 Utility in Development Category - Zophar's Domain)
2. TV/Monitor
This requirement here depends on your purposes when using GSM, for instance:
- A ordinary interlaced SD (Standard Definition) TV set, to force PAL or NTSC modes
- A PS (Progressive Scan) SD (Standard Definition) TV set, to force progressive modes
- A CRT/LCD Monitor set with SoG (Sync-on-Green) feature, to force VGA modes
- A LCD/Plasma HD (High Definition) TV set, to force HDTV modes
3. Cable/Connection
This requirement here depends on the previous one, for instance:
A/V Connection between console and TV/Monitor
- Console -> Composite cable -> TV
- Console -> Component cable -> TV
- Console -> Component cable -> Monitor
- Console -> Component cable -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA Adaptor -> Monitor
- Console -> Component cable -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA Adaptor -> TV
- Console -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA cable -> Monitor
- Console -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA cable -> TV
- Unzip GS Mode Selector "GSM.ELF" from zip file attached here
- Take all measures needed to boot it on your console
- Run it!
- Follow the GSM OSD instructions in order to choice and set your preferred mode using the joypad buttons
- Start PS2 Browser (and consequently title, FCMB or ESR according to your console settings) or HDLoader
- Enjoy!
Please Note!
- GSM can not be auto-launched from FMCB, it will black screen, if you want to auto launch it please configure FMCB to auto boot separate uLE instance, then uLE to auto GSM, then GSM to auto change to saved mode, and boot to PS2 browser.
(Link to files already configured to do this from USB here) (GS Mode Selector: Development & Feedback)
Similar Software
- Blaze VGA and Xploder HDTV Player (from Blaze). The GUI from these programs gives an idea what is possible to do with GS Modes. You can also read the latest Xploder HDTV Player Press to learn about the concepts being explored by GSM (Xploder PS2 HDTV Player Update - Gear News at IGN)
- PS2 Zone Loader (from unknown author - Source code shared by Fusion). The PNSelector and yPosHanlder functions has the essential C & MIPS code needed to force an specific GS Mode. You can find CD/DVD/Source Code from PS2 Zone - Loader into SKS Apps site, just browser here (SKS Apps - Exploit Systems - Wii Ps3 Ps2 Apps - Homebrew Game Downloads) for "Zoneloader" ;-)
- ps2force480p (from asmodean - source code share by him). Specific GS HDTV480p Mode and DY field patch for specific ISO and ELF files from games.