M2TS Encoding - For those who use ROXIO HD GAME CAPTURE

Last updated on 12 years ago
Credit to Frederikct for coming up with this cheat sheet for M2TS users.

1 - Find the files / file and go into VideoRedo
2 - Convert video / videos to. Mkv (not change any settings
3 - Take the converted video and put it in VideoRedo again. Now click "Audio Only"
4 - Take the converted video from VideoRedo (Step 2) and place it into MeGUI
5 - Add the converted audio into MeGUI and convert them separately
6 - , go into VirtualDub and open the convertede video (which you created in MeGUI) and click "File Infomation" and write FPS down,
7 - After you have found FPS go back to meGUI and click "MKV Muxer" and set the FPS that you wrote down.
8 - Convert video and audio together

Tutorial uploaded and first post edited accordingly.
Credit to Frederikct for creating it.
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