se05239 wrote:
Here is a game I'd like to request.
Legend of Grimrock. Preferable the first game, too.
Its a RPG dungeon crawler type game where you solve puzzles and fight fantasy monsters while progressing through the place you're in.
There is a lot of people having videos of the game but most of them are blind (aka people just walk in cycles, miss secrets and spend way too long time solving puzzles) and the majority feature commentary which is something I personally despise.
If someone would dare take up the honor of recording a longplay of Legend of Grimrock, please show that you have prior experience with the game and can make it through without much hassle.
What do you mean by "Preferable the first game, too."? There are two Legend of Grimrock games, and I'm pretty sure with no number in the title everyone just assumes you are talking about the first one, or...? Are you requesting both of them?