Dosbox & Fraps

Last updated on 8 years ago
Hey there
Has anyone tried to record DosBox video with Fraps? I'm newbie using Fraps and the resulting video is lagging a lot. I tried using DosBox itself for recording but the quality is not 100% as the original. Any ideas?
Also, what disk size do you usually need for better quality? I tried Fraps with Mass Effect and the space occupied for 39 seconds of recording was 356 MB. For a normal 50 hour recording for this game it would take more than 2 TB which is insane. It looks like longplaying is quite an expensive sport.
Don't use fraps for dosbox. You can use this more updated version of Dosbox from here which includes built in avi recording.

For long games like mass effect you could record in parts and compress to x264 as you go along saving some space. Also recording in 720p will help a lot and you should also only record with fraps if you can maintain hi framerate without dropping frames.
Ok, I used the GOG-included DosBox version which I didn't have to adjust the settings. I'll try the link.
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