LOZ Four Swords GBA 4 player Co-op LP

Last updated on 6 years ago
Hey uh so for the past seven months I've been looking and looking for four people or a guy that can this one game that so far, I haven't seen a longplay of that game with ALL four players. Just two of em on one channel and only one on the other. The reason is that I'm currently watching and also trying to catch up the legend of zelda timeline just for story reasons and also from the fact that it would be missing of one of the links isn't here thus making the continuity inconsistent if one of those links isn't appearing. But neither the less, this site alone is my only hope left with this request. I herd that in order for a 4 player longplay of Four Swords on the GBA happen, it will require four game boy advances, a link cable that connects with all four of the GBAs, and a capture device from one of the screens. Or maybe four if that is possible. But only one screen can work which will be player one in the case for this longplay. So come fourth longplayer! Which in this challenge, it will be an amazing moment in the history of all longplays! I don't know who would be up for this request, but if someone can do it, this request will be one that will excites me as a longplayer watcher. :)
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