Santa Claus Saves the Earth

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 11/12/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 01:18:26
File Size: 306.19 MB (313540.00 KB)
Downloads: 401 downloads
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Player's Review

It's that time of year again and a Christmas themed longplay is in order.

I had to dig down deep, right down to the bottom of the barrel for this game on playstation as there does not seem to be many games to choose from and omg, this game was at the bottom for a reason. Practically being the same game as the gba version just with a larger viewing window, it's amazing to think the game even got published as sony were against 2d games on the original playstation, especially ones this bad which don't show off the consoles powar!

I have nothing good to say about this game. It reminds of a time when Public Domain games started going commercial on the Amiga. Those were some dark times before the platform died out. Well ok, the music is passable I guess, but the gfx are just bad. The level maps are not that great either requiring you to explore everywhere and when you run out of health, you have to start the level from scratch. Strangely the game opens with quite an annoying level, not exactly easing you into the game. Some of the later levels are much more linier.

You do get some cut scenes to look forward to at least after every 5 levels. The final level has some glitch gfx. The game clearly spent some time in QA. Probably more then todays game though to be honest Smile The final boss looks more difficult to kill than it really is. If you fire any projectiles, they will just bounce off. So what do you do? You hit the bitch with ya sack of course! 3 times I think.