Silent Scope 2: Dark Silhouette

Longplay Information

Author(s): Spazbo4Spazbo4
System: PlayStation 2
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 07/12/2021
YouTube Release: 11/02/2022
Duration: 01:09:00
File Size: 540.90 MB (553886.34 KB)
Downloads: 117 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

One playthrough of each character played with a USB mouse

0:00:00 - Start
0:01:08 - Jackal Story
0:01:35 - London
0:03:32 - Chemical Weapon Laboratory
0:10:51 - Airport/ Gatwick
0:13:43 - Organization Armory/ North Yorkshire
0:21:00 - Theater/ Birmingham
0:23:35 - Secret Base/ London
0:30:04 - Tower Bridge/ London
0:32:08 - Westminster/ London
0:33:18 - Credits
0:36:14 - Falcon Story
0:36:24 - London
0:38:18 - Chemical Weapon Laboratory
0:45:28 - Airport/ Gatwick
0:48:25 - Organization Armory/ North Yorkshire
0:54:37 - Theater/ Birmingham
0:57:04 - Secret Base/ London
1:03:06 - Tower Bridge/ London
1:04:43 - Westminster/ London
1:06:19 - Credits