Member Polls Archive

Character Fight!
Pepsiman84 %

84% [32 Votes]

Coca Cola Kid16 %

16% [6 Votes]

0 %

0% [0 Votes]

What is your favorite NextGen console?
Wii U37 %

37% [35 Votes]

Playstation 455 %

55% [52 Votes]

Xbox One7 %

7% [7 Votes]

0 %

0% [0 Votes]

Should we add Amiga and C64 sections to the site?
Yes!68 %

68% [106 Votes]

No!9 %

9% [14 Votes]

Neutral!23 %

23% [36 Votes]

0 %

0% [0 Votes]

Do you like the new site?
Yes61 %

61% [27 Votes]

No25 %

25% [11 Votes]

Same as old!14 %

14% [6 Votes]

0 %

0% [0 Votes]