

Longplay Information

Author(s): ConnorConnor
System: PlayStation 3
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 07/06/2011
YouTube Release: No information available
Duration: 02:01:39
File Size: 1426.33 MB (1460562.59 KB)
Downloads: 1456 downloads
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Player's Review

If you EVER plan on playing Braid yourself, do NOT watch this! I'm serious, the whole point of the game is the puzzles and knowing the solution when playing the first time is not fun.

Braid was developed by independent developer Jonathan Blow and is a combination of a platformer and a puzzle game. Most of the puzzles revolve around manipulating time in ways that are specific for each major level.

We follow Tim as he tries to rescue the princess, who may or may not be in another castle. The story is rather complicated, but quite good. The main attraction of the game, though, is the VERY tricky puzzles that really challenge the player. It is not possible to die (permanently), since Tim possesses the power to rewind time. This is actually the mechanic for most of the puzzles in the game. Each world also has special properties that change up the way time manipulation works.

This is far from a speedrun. Firstly, it was ages since I played, so I sucked a lot, especially in the beginning. Secondly, it's easier to follow as a viewer when the puzzles aren't solved in the quickest way possible. There are quite a few mistakes during the playthrough, but no edits of the actual gameplay. This means I will look like a moron at times. Smile All eight secret stars are collected, some during the first playthrough and others after the end of the game.

If you want more in-depth information on the mechanics of the game, check out the downloadable subtitles with commentary. Don't worry, it's not a Let's Play...

BONUS: Download text comments (subtitles) here