Hyper Sports 3 (Unlicensed)

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: SG-1000
Region: TW
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Unlicensed
Publication Date: 17/06/2024
YouTube Release: No information available
Duration: 00:12:55
File Size: 13.90 MB (14237.64 KB)
Downloads: 17 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Unlicensed conversion of the original MSX game to SG-1000 for the Taiwanese market. It is a continuation of the Hyper Olympic series, this entry features cycling race, triple jump, curling and pole vault which is basically high jump with javelin. Played through two loops.

00:00 - Start
00:18 - Cycling Race
00:50 - Triple Jump
01:49 - Curling
03:39 - Pole Vault
06:03 - Second Loop
12:05 - Game Over