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Frederikct11211 years ago
You better do it 100%! *grins*
Spazbo411 years ago
i alreayd have super hexagon but i'll take dead island
Tsunao11 years ago
Lies and slander, good sir. *hides growing nose*
Jihao11 years ago
Tsunao is looking for a date to his prom, don't be tempted by his offer!
Tsunao11 years ago
Anyone interested in a Dead Island: Epidemic and/or Super Hexagon Steam gift?
Jihao11 years ago
This game encourages recon and planned approaches more than anything else, and it feels like alerts take forever to go away, that or the end of the mission.
Jihao11 years ago
Much work to be able to stay hidden all the time. (Without diverting to unstealthy tactics) Patience is key.
Jihao11 years ago
I feel like this MGS borrowed a few elements from other stealth games, its compltely revamped.. no more stealth camo and etc. There has got to be a way to stealth his game more easily. It takes too-
Jihao11 years ago
Peacewalker was a coop game, and CQC was broken as hell in that game. They almost encouraged it. MGS5 is SP, so its different.
Spazbo411 years ago
running and gunning is too boring, i like running and cqc them instead but comboing cqc is a lot harder than it was in peacewalker
Tsunao11 years ago
> run and gun Relevant
Jihao11 years ago
Most of the people saying its 10 minutes arent playing the game correctly. They are probably just shooting everyone for free.
Jihao11 years ago
You're saying all stealth games are too easy? Try playing it in higher standards then, most people will just run and gun anyway.
Jihao11 years ago
You can do that in any stealth game if you are fast enough. Even in the original thief games, if you hit an enemy fast enough, you would be safe.
Spazbo411 years ago
it just makes the game too easy, whenever i go into alert mode i run and hide instead of killing, which is also too easy because they just shoot where they saw you last instead of actually looking it
Jihao11 years ago
However, it reminds me Splinter Cell Conviction, only less broken. At least marking enemies doesn't auto kill them.
Jihao11 years ago
Dammit spazbo, it is a logical occurrence that happens when the human mind encounters something foreign. Getting an alert in this game is ridiculous. Running and gunning is definitely easy.
boricuaretrogamer11 years ago
Good morning everbody!!! Grin
Spazbo411 years ago
ground zeroes is way too easy, i hope they get rid of that thing where time slows down when an enemy spots you
Tsunao11 years ago
@Jihao: *holds arms out* Come at me! @bori: did you use an apostrophe? The submission list has problems when it comes to apostrophes.