Last Updated: March 19 2012

  • by ScHlAuChi
    Account closure
    For anyone wondering why our YouTube account has been closed by JohnX895 - the reason is that he did a copyright…
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    0 2539
  • by JonL
    25K YouTube Subscribers! Yay!
    You may be aware that we have reached 25000 subscribers on our YouTube channel.Thanks to everyone who subscribed! That…
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    0 2494
  • by JonL
    Backup FTP server now available!
    Wow! That was fast!I think we can all give a (gentle) pat on the back to our friend [b…
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    0 2889
  • by JonL
    Urgent! Looking for backup ftp space
    Howdy fellow longplayers and viewers!Our current ftp server is down.Which means we are dead in the water. People…
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    0 2204
  • by JonL
    Visual Overhaul
    Hi everyone!We thought you'd be happy to see some change around here, so we have made some cosmetic…
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    0 2175
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    New FTP Server
    Well, I have got some good news today! We have got a new FTP server, so it is now possible…
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    0 2675
  • by
    We are back...
    ...From the dead, more or less. Well it has been a couple of frustrating weeks indeed. With Hipoonios deciding to stop maintaining the site, and us trying to find alternative ways of bringing you our Longplay videos yet again. From my blog to RickyC's page on webs, to this point transferring the site to a webspace hosting. (hipponios hosted the site on his computer). Now I am the "owner" of World of Longplays, but only in the sense that I own the domain, in actuality World of Longplays belongs to everyone contributing to it, donations (which will be invested into the site) longplay videos, Raidenn has also said that he would set up an FTP server where you can upload your longplay videos so that we can keep posting them on Youtube. We will still have access to the Cubex55 account. It Does cost me a bit to have this domain, so any donations would be greatly appreciated (and as I stated above, we will use the donations on the site, one of the reasons I chose a .org domain is that this IS a nonprofit page, we are not doing this to make money, as a matter of fact we spend a LOT of money, and time on this project.)Anyhow, I hope you will all visit this site as often as you did before, and contribute with new longplays etc. There will be a few minor changes however one of which is directly linking downloads from, so that page won't actually open, but you can right click on the links and Choose to save as, (we have to figure out how to change that message...) Also we will change the names of the longplays so that they have the corresponding Youtube number attached (for example PC Longplay [XXX] abcd...Geekmeister
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    0 2590
  • by AdminBot
    Urgent! Site looking for a new owner
    What I have to say now is something you don't want to hear.From next month (1 st Mars…
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    0 2848
  • by AdminBot
    Download mirror for the "early" longplays
    Here is an early christmas present for You ALL!Links to many of the early longplays!The download speed is…
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    0 2979
  • by AdminBot
    Wishing You All A Merry Christmas
    [img align=right width=300][/img]I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!It's nice to see the site is growing every day. Here is the stats for the last months (unique visitors).January: 4749Feburary:5404March: 6582April: 7132May: 7854 June: 8481July: 9091August: 10175September: 10274October: 10818November: 10104Debember: -Special thanks goes to RickyC, T-0815, Geekmaster and Schluachi for updating the site (and Youtube) with new videos!Also thanks to all game recorders for keeping the site alive!AND! Don't forget to visit our IRC Channel. We need more people there!
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    0 2470
  • by AdminBot
    Updated rss feed again!
    As we updated the site we also had to update our RSS feed url for latest releases.The new one…
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    0 2517
  • by AdminBot
    Happy bithday to us!
    Today is a special day... It has been 1 year since we opened the website.Thanks to all contributors for…
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    0 2208