Hello Thegamer89. Any game requests can be made through the Request forum not in the Shoutbox
Thegamer897 years ago
Request can you do Socom 1,Socom 2,Socom 3 and Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction please
boricuaretrogamer7 years ago
You are welcome xRavenXP. I hope to watch the Xenogears longplay.
xRavenXP7 years ago
In some days the new Xenogears encode will be released again. Thanks for patience!
boricuaretrogamer7 years ago
Zzzz...looks like this site is sleeping lol.
boricuaretrogamer8 years ago
You are welcome Spazbo4. I don't use torrent either.
Spazbo48 years ago
thanks for the lesson nobody needed, i just dont use torrents so i dont know when is a good time to download kingdom hearts on ps4
boricuaretrogamer8 years ago
Torrents is like a peer-to-peer app. The more seeds it has the file the chance is greater to download it and share it.
Spazbo48 years ago
idk i dont use torrents
ungulwaiter8 years ago
Spazbo4, your 2 recent PS4 Kingdom Hearts torrents have 0 seeds, when is a good time to join?
grey178 years ago
Love to watch Sudden Strike 4 longplay as it got released
NPI8 years ago
This LP is uploaded, just make a download entry for it already
grey178 years ago
not to mention Riglord Saga 1 & 2, and deep fear. see the rest of my sega saturn requests on my huge list http://www.longplays.org/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=3169
grey178 years ago
after seeing so many saturn longplays, love to see gungriffon 1 & 2
MadMatty8 years ago
Fixed. Too long filename again.
ungulwaiter8 years ago
Sorry to remind you again, but the 2 recent PS1 Gundam games have 'file not found'
MadMatty8 years ago
Its because the file path is too long. Its all Valis77s fault ..
Valis8 years ago
@ungulwaiter they have it just takes a looong while to process it.
ungulwaiter8 years ago
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dream and Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter for the Saturn have 'file not found' pages
Spazbo48 years ago
do you use a browser to upload to the archive? i just use filezilla to do it