schlauchi will say no to screen recorder for emulators
Mariofan988 years ago
i think i should ask schlauchi for this i wait to the next IRC round
MadMatty8 years ago
not a good idea as when the emulator frames drop so will your capture.
Mariofan988 years ago
i had tryed edit the audio file to be synced with the video, should i use a screen recorder?
MadMatty8 years ago
@Mariofan - ScHlAuChi may be able to, but as far as I know avi recording is broken in the emu still. (separate video /audio and unsynced)
martanius8 years ago
Ok. Got it I thought (judging by previous walking dead seasons, where was those episodes longplayed one by one) that you can record it episode by episode, even before the game get fully released.
Mariofan988 years ago
@MadMatty Can you help me with dolphin A/V dumping? which settings must i use and with which software should i combine the audio and video files?
MadMatty8 years ago
@martanius note that these tell tale games don't get processed until all episodes are complete and submitted as one record.
MadMatty8 years ago
I'm hopeing you can see the difference and that having it correct is better for the game and not me just being a picky asshole
Ravenlord8 years ago
Ok, I will record blood omen 2 in 4:3, I'm currently playing that,I will redo SR2 and LOKD later, because I'm fed up playing them at the moment
mihaibest8 years ago
you can record old games in widescreen but be sure its not streched. use some fixes on the net, its easy
MadMatty8 years ago
Absolutely! we've already been saying it a long time already. Getting the source correct is important. The viewer can set whatever aspect they like in the video player.
Ravenlord8 years ago
So would you say that it is oblligatory for every longplayer to record in 4:3 every game that is made before 2006, would you impose that as a new rule?
MadMatty8 years ago
1024x768 being the primary 4:3 resolution of that time.
Reinc8 years ago
Make sure to not use resolution bigger than 1280x720 (720p) or 1280x800 too.