I'll pull off one of her legs, you can have that leg for $.50.
Spazbo48 years ago
best i can do is $.50
Ironclaw8 years ago
Selling used cat, $2.
Valis8 years ago
No shit sherlock
Spazbo48 years ago
game development is a lot more complicated than that
Timothyhar8 years ago
Sometimes I think people dont like money. So many potentially great games cancelled.
ScHlAuChi8 years ago
It took me over 6 hours to add them all, and im still not done! Just wait a day next time, and if something is still not fixed, then you can notify the person
Reinc8 years ago
I didn't mean to act impatient. Sorry, I just wanted to help, since I couldn't fix these myself.
ScHlAuChi8 years ago
Stop spamming Reinc, I wasnt finished yet!
I was busy adding the rest before fixing them!
They are fixed now!
Be more patient next time!
Ravenlord8 years ago
I've uploaded different version also, a one with cropped top of the screen, pick whichever one is more suitable
JagOfTroy8 years ago
@ravenlord Hopefully whoever is uploading knows by now since I had my Police Quest videos rejected cause of that.
Ravenlord8 years ago
King's Quest 5 might look like its not cropped on top of the screen, but the top is actually black in the game, it is filled when you click on inventory
Spazbo48 years ago
i would if the way the camera was wouldnt give me a headache
MadMatty8 years ago
Spazbo4 Play on god/titan mode if you want a challenge. You wont be overpowered and the game is now a fair fight.
Ravenlord8 years ago
SFV file for Lego Indiana Jones was added earlier today
Spazbo48 years ago
god of war is boring for me, i like some challenge in my games and those series of games just let you play as a guy who is overpowered
GarrettSpab8 years ago
This game is awesome If your a GOW fan then I suggest picking this up. God of War 3 was definitely my favorite game that released for PS3 and so far Ascension isnt letting me down. So go out and get i