I am uploading your longplay, but keep those notes in mind.
HolyMeatball9 years ago
Reinc, shoot, I forgot to edit that after the first episode was declined until all of them would get uploaded. Naturally, I no longer have the source files.
Reinc9 years ago
HolyMeatball, write an entire game's name in the subtitles, not just the first episode's. Use a color and a halo so the subtitles don't blend into video. Write a game's name correctly.
Gamerhenky9 years ago
Fire Emblem - Sword of Seals should be Fire Emblem - The Binding Blade as he did in NoA version.
I am uploading your longplay, but keep those notes in mind.
HolyMeatball9 years ago
Reinc, shoot, I forgot to edit that after the first episode was declined until all of them would get uploaded. Naturally, I no longer have the source files.
Reinc9 years ago
HolyMeatball, write an entire game's name in the subtitles, not just the first episode's. Use a color and a halo so the subtitles don't blend into video. Write a game's name correctly.
Gamerhenky9 years ago
Fire Emblem - Sword of Seals should be Fire Emblem - The Binding Blade as he did in NoA version.
grey179 years ago
Happy 10th Anniversary , WoL))
haster69 years ago
Happy Birthday WoL
Valis9 years ago
Happy Birthday Longplays i'm glad to be part of the family. Lets go for another 10. And now i regret it.
Mariofan989 years ago
Happy 10th Anniversary of YT Channel!
haster69 years ago
Why Youtube Schedule is isn't update ?
NPI9 years ago
What happened? YT blocked 9+ minutes videos again?
Valis9 years ago
ever!....spaz started it.
Spazbo49 years ago
Mariofan989 years ago
the youtube schedule must been updated
Mariofan989 years ago
in 3 days is 10th anniversary of the WoL youtube channel
grey179 years ago
WoL's total number of subscribers has reached 450,000 subs, let's shoot for a half million subs mark before the end of this year
HolyMeatball9 years ago
I see, could've sworn I did. D: My apologies, will keep in mind.
Spazbo49 years ago
you didnt list it as anything when you submitted it so it is at default 32x catergory, not pc
HolyMeatball9 years ago
@Reinc: Thanks, will keep it in mind. Although I'm not sure what you mean by listing the gaming platform - is PC not correct?
Reinc9 years ago
HolyMeatball, make sure to list the gaming platform for your longplays correctly, and don't put spaces into the Filesize field.
Nintendo-Box9 years ago
If u do X could u do not in one sitting? Or if someone does Y and ORAS, could he/she does with a Pokemon Team?