jerry: i told the site guy about it, i guess he didnt check it
Oddbrother11 years ago
If we wanted to add closed captioning to existing longplays, where do we submit them?
jerry11 years ago
ScHlAuChi, please, "Big screenshots dont fit the bars" topic is in "Site Suggestions" all right. It is there for nine months.
Waldimart11 years ago
Are you going to reupload my Longplay from DuckTales Remastered? I hope so!
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
How is the webguy able to know about those problems if you guys dont post those in the "Site Suggestions" Forum?
UKMikey11 years ago
I have to take it back, the new layout doesn't work at all for games with huge screenshots.
johtto11 years ago
Frederikct112 :3
xRavenXP11 years ago
I also prefer the previous layout, this new layout difficults much to download videos and see informations u.u
Frederikct11211 years ago
Johtto: :3
Spikestuff11 years ago
Mad-Matty your screenshots are huge to begin with.
Valis11 years ago
I miss the post count. Because i had something to brag about
Spazbo411 years ago
i dont like the new layout of the site, it squishes everything in the middle and its hard for me to looks at some things on the submission list
Tsunao11 years ago
johtto11 years ago
Jihao11 years ago
Thanks guys.
UKMikey11 years ago
It works a hell of a lot better on my tablet now.
Thanks Matty.
MadMatty11 years ago
The problem could likely be solved by having Thumbnail images re-enabled for game description screenshots, so you would click on the screen if you wanted to see full size version.
MadMatty11 years ago
Im just fiddling with panel placements. We really need a scroll bar for the centre added for game descriptions with big screen shots. Or you can use ctrl + scroll wheel to shrink
jerry11 years ago
Aaaaand STILL.. game descriptions doesn't fit in 4:3 screen(or if screen res smaller than 10k/5k). In fact panel on the right make it worse.