ok, so for everyone who is planning on playing/recording pc games, you should (always) take a look at this site: http://www.wsgf.org
Spikestuff11 years ago
Roja Calor: Oh Okay...
Roja Calor11 years ago
Spike: It's titled properly according to the commercial.
Spikestuff11 years ago
Valis it's 11/12/13 well for me that's next month when it's 11/12/13 because I'm DD/MM/YY not MM/DD/YY.
Valis11 years ago
11/12/2013 GET IT?...anyone....anyone? I know you're out there...I can hear you leaving! -_-'
Jihao11 years ago
By the way Tsunao, stop making all these references, I might come after you.
Jihao11 years ago
Got that new computer, gonna start working on those submissions again.
mihaibest11 years ago
No, its not that, this is an old longplay and i remember it was uploaded to youtube because i started watching it a while ago, but for some reason now its private
Frederikct11211 years ago
For example, my StarCraft longplay wont come out on Youtube until the 27th of January 2014 and it has been realeased on the site.
Frederikct11211 years ago
It is becuse it has not been realeased yet, Mihaibest. It will take a while before the videos are out on Youtube. I would recommend downloading it from the site.
mihaibest11 years ago
i have a question: there is a longplay of the simpsons game for xbox360, but when i click on yt link it says its private. why?
Tarosan11 years ago
I've come back from a break and since I cant do SOTE yet... I think I'll do Waverace 64
Spikestuff11 years ago
Roja Calor isn't James Bond 007 (ColecoVision) meant to be titled "James Bond"
Tsunao11 years ago
I like you, and I want you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
johtto11 years ago
Spazbo411 years ago
johtto11 years ago
Swiggity swooty, i'm coming for that booty.
Waldimart11 years ago
Now it just have to get uploaded in his full length.
xRavenXP11 years ago
Okz Spikestuff... It's fine... is english in the info because of the audio alright? It's ok so!