Some weird temporal anomaly going on. Im sure I remember adding Silent hill to the site, but its still waiting to be processed, and not on ftp or
Frederikct11211 years ago
Well Spikestuff, for pc gaming you will need quite a lot of space. For example I have an 2 TB USB 3.0 external hard drive that I use to record and I use Dxtory as well.
Spikestuff11 years ago
for PC gaming what codec is best to use? 'cause I use Lagarith and there goes 100GB...
UKMikey11 years ago
@Tarosan at great risk of my sounding stupid I can't find a PS1 Silent Hill LP here, that's why I asked where he saw it.
emergency211 years ago
Eino - Im waited for Tyrian longplay to see this game story (becoes its only shmup with good story) and for some reason you dont wanted to spend few additional seconds to click on datacubes. why? is i
Some weird temporal anomaly going on. Im sure I remember adding Silent hill to the site, but its still waiting to be processed, and not on ftp or
Frederikct11211 years ago
Well Spikestuff, for pc gaming you will need quite a lot of space. For example I have an 2 TB USB 3.0 external hard drive that I use to record and I use Dxtory as well.
Spikestuff11 years ago
for PC gaming what codec is best to use? 'cause I use Lagarith and there goes 100GB...
UKMikey11 years ago
@Tarosan at great risk of my sounding stupid I can't find a PS1 Silent Hill LP here, that's why I asked where he saw it.
emergency211 years ago
Eino - Im waited for Tyrian longplay to see this game story (becoes its only shmup with good story) and for some reason you dont wanted to spend few additional seconds to click on datacubes. why? is i
Tsunao11 years ago
[cont.] to the FTP.
Tsunao11 years ago
To whoever is "TheSpinia": why you leave so quickly? I was about to answer your question, too. <_< Answer to your question: Make a video of the game in question and upload it to th
xRavenXP11 years ago
Uff... the second encoding of The World Ends With You are almost ready (2 encodes are necessary to show all histories and extras)!
Frederikct11211 years ago
You are very welcome Jerry (: JadedZerg will be doing Starcraft Brood War.
jerry11 years ago
Anyway thank you so much for this one, Frederikct112. There is just no full playthru of SC1 nowhere, and you did it
jerry11 years ago
pc_starcraft1 - sound is a lil' bit scratchy, am I right (tried different players)? You can hear it clearly at the beginning of part_2.
Tarosan11 years ago
And if Germany has banned SH1 from viewing on YT then they suck
There's a Silent Hill Longplay? Does Luty mean the Japanese Play Novel LP on GBA?
Tsunao11 years ago
But it be October 31, so it being out of schedule for this day is relevant. :3
Luty11 years ago
GEMA>me, you cant watch the silent hill lp when located in germany
MadMatty11 years ago
The only setting you need to change(disable) is 'Proper Aspect in low-res mode' Which can be found in the Graphics drop down menu. Then just simply re-render the movie file.
xRavenXP11 years ago
I need the correct settings for the Gens again @MadMatty, write the correct configuration for me encode again please!