You clearly demonstrate that you have NO clue about game development Jihao...
900k isnt that much!
Jihao11 years ago
Yeah, a good scam, who the hell needs 900K for a freaking 2D platformer? And wishful fools will donate. Oh well.
Singh Long11 years ago
Jihao: Considering how badly Capcom has been crapping on the MM franchise, and the fact that Inafking himself is heading this project, this must be good.
Jihao11 years ago
Megaman reborn, anyone who cares about this carbon copy of megaman, you can donate here
riu11 years ago
Such a silly game of Prey I have not seen here, but a bunch of games reconsidered
You clearly demonstrate that you have NO clue about game development Jihao...
900k isnt that much!
Jihao11 years ago
Yeah, a good scam, who the hell needs 900K for a freaking 2D platformer? And wishful fools will donate. Oh well.
Singh Long11 years ago
Jihao: Considering how badly Capcom has been crapping on the MM franchise, and the fact that Inafking himself is heading this project, this must be good.
Jihao11 years ago
Megaman reborn, anyone who cares about this carbon copy of megaman, you can donate here
riu11 years ago
Such a silly game of Prey I have not seen here, but a bunch of games reconsidered
Jihao11 years ago
Hey guys, does megui use Multithreading? (Multiple cores)? If it does, how do I use it? I read up somewhere that you might be able to use it via an option in Avisynth?
dave82811 years ago
anyone else having sound issues with injustice: gods among us?
Spikestuff11 years ago
I was about to submit Point Blank then I remembered something. All those levels I missed... also the extra content.
Tsunao11 years ago
Maybe a person's personal channel. My personal channel has my games on there before they appear on cubex55.
Frederikct11211 years ago
Riu, you can come to our IRC if you like. Just click on the "Chat" tab.
riu11 years ago
Lan ty normalnyi pozsancheg
riu11 years ago
riu11 years ago
Maybe there is another channel?
riu11 years ago
Tsunao11 years ago
May end up running out of material to upload and to prevent spamming up people's subscription box. In the end, people STILL complain about it on multi-part videos. >_>
riu11 years ago
Why so long?
Spikestuff11 years ago
Digital Trophy WHERE PICS! PICS! PICS! :3
Jihao11 years ago
Understand, watch, its all the same...
Tsunao11 years ago
I'm guessing you mean "watch". They will become public when it is scheduled to appear. Go to submission status page to find the date.