Just so you know, the resolution for Rockman 3 to 6 is actually 248x224 so expect the vids to be 496x448 instead of 512x448. The latter displays a black vertical border on the rom itself and the vid
Spikestuff12 years ago
Downside is minor lag...
but doesn't show in final video. PCSX that was mentioned is NOT the tas emulator.
Spikestuff12 years ago
DarkMan's GPU & SPU recorder. Works with both EPSXE and PCSX-reloaded.
Krendall12 years ago
Since ePSXe enhances the graphics and all.
Krendall12 years ago
And of course ePSXe doesn't have a recording option. Of course, I think it wouldn't be accepted here anyway.
Just so you know, the resolution for Rockman 3 to 6 is actually 248x224 so expect the vids to be 496x448 instead of 512x448. The latter displays a black vertical border on the rom itself and the vid
Spikestuff12 years ago
Downside is minor lag...
but doesn't show in final video. PCSX that was mentioned is NOT the tas emulator.
Spikestuff12 years ago
DarkMan's GPU & SPU recorder. Works with both EPSXE and PCSX-reloaded.
Krendall12 years ago
Since ePSXe enhances the graphics and all.
Krendall12 years ago
And of course ePSXe doesn't have a recording option. Of course, I think it wouldn't be accepted here anyway.
Spikestuff12 years ago
Seriously need bizhawk psx core right now.
http://goo.gl/0gv0C (this image is old btw still occurs.) Also APE ESCAPE COMMON!
johtto12 years ago
Spazbo4, i have that problem as well with a lot of games i wanted to do on PS1. D:
Spikestuff12 years ago
Spazbo4 Then wait for Bizhawk to release a psx port.
xRavenXP Abe's Oddysee must use pcsx-rr
Spazbo412 years ago
too bad psxjin doesnt want to work with most of the games i want to do longplays of
xRavenXP12 years ago
I reccomend PSXJin. The best Playstation emulator for re-recordings...
Spikestuff12 years ago
...or use pcsx-rr
Spikestuff12 years ago
Krendall to use cd games with psxjin just copy it onto you computer with poweriso.
Krendall12 years ago
I take it back, I haven't tried it with Xebra yet.
Krendall12 years ago
I've had trouble getting any game with CD audio to sound correct on any PSX emulator.
mrweisspet12 years ago
hey goldeneye 007 and perfectdark please
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
PSXJin doesnt support CD Audio, so dont use it for those games!
Krendall12 years ago
There should really be a section in the FAQ that lists suggested emulators for recording LPs.
Krendall12 years ago
Thanks, I'll try that out.
johtto12 years ago
Krendall, PSXJin will work.
(If there are any others that are better, that I don't know about, i apologize and someone else should comment :3)
Krendall12 years ago
Is there a PSX emulator that has built-in AVI recording?