I...have no clue. Maybe a week or 2...provided I don't get distracted (March has many new gaemz!)
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
FINALLY!! Majora's Mask! I KNEW you could do it, Tsunao! It still says "recording". Any idea when the finished product might be available?
PattyBoi12 years ago
ps how can u make it so that forum posts reply gets sent to email so i don't have to keep checkign here all the time?
PattyBoi12 years ago
could somebudy do a complete walkthorugh of A bug's life activity centre ps1 for pal? woulda be highly appreciated and is the same as active play
Tsunao12 years ago
Archive be funny. >_>
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
Like I said. All I'm getting is a picture when I try to download it from there, whether I use a download accelerator or not. It's just Bomberman 2 and Bonk's Adventure, that I know of.
Tsunao12 years ago
Funny. I can save a video file no problem.
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
Instead they keep giving me a picture to download.
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
Okay, apparently the Bomberman 2 and Bonk's Adventure links are broken. They're the only two LPs I can't download at the moment.
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
reinstall Firefox. Although, it did it to me on Internet Explorer as well. Maybe I need to do a full restore...
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
Yea, I do right click and Save As. It's giving me nothing but pictures. It's doing that with all download links for me today, I don't know what the hell is happening. Maybe I need to re
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
As it says, you have to right click -> Save AS
smegbug212 years ago
Cracked.com did a PSA on children abusing Phoenix Down just recently.
tccmorot12 years ago
Same for me. I am trying to download the DoDonPachi longplay. Archive .org really sucks!!
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
Okay, what's going on? I can't download the videos now. It's giving me nothing but pictures.
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
I might get a PS4, then. But definitely not a new Xbox. I JUST got my Xbox 360 about 6 months ago. Gears of War 3 Edition.
johtto12 years ago
Seriously? Lame.
Ravenswood12 years ago
That's great news, but they force you to turn off your Internet connection for used games.
smegbug212 years ago
Sony confirmed that they won't block used games. Found that just now.
smegbug212 years ago
If they block used copies, they wouldn't be able to sell millions of copies to Gamefly. A big chunk of money would be lost.