At any rate, I'm glad YOU'RE doing Majora's Mask, Tsunao.....RickyC could've been more thorough in his OoT playthrough.......
Tarosan12 years ago
I'm re-encoding FFV
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
It might be on cubex, but if it's not in the archive that takes some of the fun out of it. As for your distractions, I know that feel, bro. Damn cat videos....
Tsunao12 years ago
And to give some hope about Majora's Mask: I completed the first dungeon. :3 Had to keep restarting because of ill-prepareness on Swamp Spider house. >_> That and distractions.
At any rate, I'm glad YOU'RE doing Majora's Mask, Tsunao.....RickyC could've been more thorough in his OoT playthrough.......
Tarosan12 years ago
I'm re-encoding FFV
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
It might be on cubex, but if it's not in the archive that takes some of the fun out of it. As for your distractions, I know that feel, bro. Damn cat videos....
Tsunao12 years ago
And to give some hope about Majora's Mask: I completed the first dungeon. :3 Had to keep restarting because of ill-prepareness on Swamp Spider house. >_> That and distractions.
Tsunao12 years ago
Shoutbox be cuttin', yo! FFV longplay is on cubex55.
Tsunao12 years ago
Actually, VI is up. I renamed properly it as it was released in the US (FFIII, like how FFIV is FFII in US). FFV isn't up because someone forgot to upload it to the Archive some years ago. FFV
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Once the Zelda series is all uploaded, I'll probably move on to Final Fantasy. VII was always my favorite, though I noticed V and VI aren't up yet.....
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
See Tsunao? THAT'S why we wuv you....great gameplay videos AND handy in the kitchen
Tsunao12 years ago
I was thinking about Phantom Hourglass not too long ago when I was washing dishes once.
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
I only ask because you play the games the way I feel they should be completion.
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
the future?
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
As I thought. So, while I know you're working on Majora's Mask in the awesome way only you can, thank you for THAT, have you given any thought to Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks anytime in
Tsunao12 years ago
Non-Linked of one version, then linked of the next game (NL-Ages -> L-Season / NL-Seasons -> L-Ages
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Hmmmm....that kind of complicates it. So you're saying that if I join the vids, I should use the linked game from one as a second part of the non linked of the other?
Tsunao12 years ago
Vagueness going on. You clear one game and use the password in the other to get linked version (Example, clear Ages, use holodrum secret in Seasons to continue the story.)
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Now I can just make the linked files the second part of a single video
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Ahhh. Thank you for clearing that up. I've been in the process of "joining" the Zelda videos into single files instead of multi parts
Tsunao12 years ago
In a sense, minus the bastard difficulty. Changes in a Linked playthrough are passwords usage (upgrade equipment), fighting Ganon, and miscellaneous stuff (Donkey Kong in Linked Ages. :3)
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Soooo, the equivalent of the 2nd quest in the original Zelda?