Shoutbox Archive
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Spikestuff11 years ago
>(o70)< such a lovely number that faces can be made from it (like (o30) Woooo!
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
There is only one (a) allowed - otherwise it gets too messy Pfft
Tarosan11 years ago
@Stenio with the way I'm going for is that it will be possible for an (a) with other endings... now it depends if i can get this to bloody work
Razzalyn11 years ago
Got my first 2 games uploaded and 3 more on the way to get uploaded Smile
xRavenXP11 years ago
Encodes of Touhou 06 and 07 almost already done! Yeah! o/ In satuarday i finish Kamen Rider Dragon Knight too!
Stenio_Henrique11 years ago
Tarosan is still possible to make another (a) of Silent Hill PSX or you did with all end?
Tsunao11 years ago
Upcoming is for when people announce junk they are going to do. Request is for what junk people want to see done...or summin'.
1924811 years ago
Quesiton: Whats the different between upcoming movies and reqeusts and i'm guessing Requests is the place where one posts what they want done
Tarosan11 years ago
Been gone for a while but I have returned with good news... Silent Hill is done
UKMikey11 years ago
Sure, as long as you don't mind plugging it in every morning to validate the console or it'll stop playing offline games.
smegbug211 years ago
Also, if you don't feel like doing that, you could connect to the internet through an ethernet cable. When you're done playing, just unplug the cable. No way to transfer data.
smegbug211 years ago
Solution to the Kinect "problem". Unplug the console when you're done playing. No power, no problem.
PiratesFan611 years ago
I was just wondering if anybody would like to do a co-op LP of Resident Evil 5 you can find me on xbox live. My gamertag is Yay4Steroids
Roja Calor11 years ago
Add another category or two because the Trio+ are gonna get drunk off some retrohol. This one being 5200. 8-bit is the CPU version of 5200. Probably do PC 60 and PC 80 too.
Krendall11 years ago
People seem to have a "What do I care since I'm not doing anything wrong" attitude about it all.
AgentOrange11 years ago
It amazes me that people aren't more concerned about the "kinect always being on" thing, ESPECIALLY with that NSA mess that just came to light.
Ravenswood11 years ago
We'll be seeing longplays from the Wii U and the upcoming PS4 if somebody finds a way to record the footage, but never in a million years for the Xbox One.
TwilightKitsune11 years ago
Microsoft isn't going to see nearly as many sales as they think they are now. Nintendo and Sony are going to bury them.
TwilightKitsune11 years ago
a 3DS. Know what Microsoft's answer is for people in the countries that aren't supported, and those who don't have stable internet or no internet? Get an Xbox 360.
TwilightKitsune11 years ago
I'm not getting an Xbox One. Microsoft is trying to screw the consumer, and alienating more and more of their fanbase every day. I'm getting a PS4 and then a PS3. I already have a WiiU and