Shoutbox Archive
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Krendall12 years ago
I wouldn't say that. At least the video quality's better overall, it's just the FPS is stuck at 30. Plus the time limit's gone.
Jihao12 years ago
2013 and Youtube is even worse then it was back when all the OG's were on.
Krendall12 years ago
You'd think YouTube would've fixed that by now.
MadMatty12 years ago
Never convert 60 to 30 fps for the sakes of it. We store all vids at native framerate. Youtube be damned if it doesn't re-encode properly.
Tsunao12 years ago
Right click and save as.
Jihao12 years ago
So i had to change the file/s to run at 30 fps, same length, same video, etc.. you might have to reencode/convert if you get a similiar problem.
Jihao12 years ago
I fixed the problem i was mentioning before, turns out if you upload a file to youtube that runs at 60 FPS your video has a chance of getting screwed up since their encoder is crap.
xRavenXP12 years ago
Touhou 06 and 07 (full and parts included) are already send. Encode of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight almost done. Wink
Jihao12 years ago
Well, someone with the proper tools and the free time should be able to do the testing and provide some side information themselves.
ccronik12 years ago
I think forum needs topic on capture software. Today there are tons of them, some good some bad and it's hard to download and try them all.
mihaibest12 years ago
take a look at my guide on recording pc games, at least at the part of recording
Jihao12 years ago
I just uploaded a M2TS file to youtube, the file length got doubled and the audio is off sync with the video, did this before, didnt happen, issue with youtube? Original video is fine.
Jihao12 years ago
Hypercam was already pretty retarded. Also, Fraps only lags for a split second in the early part of the recording, then it records (Mostly Smoothly) the rest of the way
Stenio_Henrique12 years ago
Happy Birthday johtto Smile
MadMatty12 years ago
no, the image is altered before it gets to the codec.
ccronik12 years ago
I use bandicam with techsmith codecs. Isn't that lossless?
Valis12 years ago
eww bandicam? thats like the retarded version of hypercam or fraps.
johtto12 years ago
Happy birthday to me, (Not my actual birthday) I am now 2 years old! On the site that is Pfft
Jihao12 years ago
Hmm, seems like fraps doesnt lag for my computer now, but boy is this file output huge, im going to go tinker with it some more
MadMatty12 years ago
Bandicam sux don't use it. It preprocesses the frames before it passes onto the codec so not lossless.