of the year) days to publish only ones that already recorded. Maybe its time to start publish at leas 3 games evry day?
emergency211 years ago
if you look at "status page". theres 252 finished and not posted (on youtube) longplays (in "uploaded" and "encoding" stages). 2 games a day - its needed 126 (near half o
mihaibest11 years ago
wont be so "jerky"
mihaibest11 years ago
yeah, its maybe because i play with a mouse. also, if you watch on youtube it's 30fps, but i record in 60fps, so if you download the movie from the site you will have better framerate and it won&#
jerry11 years ago
they just seems very jerky, like your mouse sensivity is very high... plus very high pace = it's hard to follow; maybe it just me nevermind, overall your longplays are good
mihaibest11 years ago
@jerry: can you be more specific? what game and whats your problem?
jerry11 years ago
mihaibest, I literally got seasick after watching your longplays; do we really need such madskillz in SP campaign? c'mon it's just hard to watch
xRavenXP11 years ago
@ccronik: The FBA is one the most difficult rerecording emulators to record videos. FBA RR need many improvements