Hello everybody I'm back again From USA to do some more long playing. See ya in the IRC (:
Spikestuff12 years ago
Singh Long: Rightclick
Razzalyn12 years ago
Woot 4 longplays uploaded, yay~
Singh Long12 years ago
So when trying to dl a longplay, why does it take me straight to a dl prompt instead of the archive.org host? Take Prince of Persia SoT for example. I can't get part 2.
Hello everybody I'm back again From USA to do some more long playing. See ya in the IRC (:
Spikestuff12 years ago
Singh Long: Rightclick
Razzalyn12 years ago
Woot 4 longplays uploaded, yay~
Singh Long12 years ago
So when trying to dl a longplay, why does it take me straight to a dl prompt instead of the archive.org host? Take Prince of Persia SoT for example. I can't get part 2.
Spikestuff12 years ago
if they take stuff from tasvideos and speeddemosarchive join up.
Ironsharp12 years ago
@Tarosan That pisses me off so much. Ahhhh
johtto12 years ago
D: Then let's plan for a 2p Payday 2 Longplay. Sound good?
JagOfTroy12 years ago
@Johtto - I already did most of the missions, though some could possibly be done better if we do it on overkill. The only one I really need right now is Diamond Heist on overkill with the red diamond
johtto12 years ago
@JagOfTroy: Would you be interested in doing at 2p longplay of Payday?
NPI12 years ago
depends what emulator you use. if you record it with an emulator, of course.