Shoutbox Archive
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TheGamer918111 years ago
Tsunao11 years ago
I could've reset your password, y'know? :3 Do you want me to reset your password or should I go on and delete old account?
Raidennn201311 years ago
Btw Admins Can u delete my old Account Raidennn since i dont remember to my password and my hotmail i dont remember either :/
Raidennn201311 years ago
Hope Silent Hill Comes up soon, ive been wishing and praying for this for a loooong time now Grin
ccronik11 years ago
I wonder how much data youtube holds. There are probably billions of videos uploaded and that is enormous amount of data.
Spikestuff11 years ago
One day YouTube will be dead and something more superior will be used (niconico 60fps woot!)
MadMatty11 years ago
@Jihao. Its abit pointless uploading 2 files. Just upload at 60 and let ytube do its thing. The original will be watchable at in 60fps.
Spikestuff11 years ago
Right PSXJin used for a hole day to make Disney's Dinosaur now to go on a mission to kill the person who created one level.
Spikestuff11 years ago
4 days later (been away) and YouTube managed to screw with my account (not that layout thing. Google+ thing.)
Jihao11 years ago
I dont know what the difference is, youtube will reencode it to 30 fps anyway, im just doing youtube a favor so they dont destroy my video when necessary.
Krendall11 years ago
I wouldn't say that. At least the video quality's better overall, it's just the FPS is stuck at 30. Plus the time limit's gone.
Jihao11 years ago
2013 and Youtube is even worse then it was back when all the OG's were on.
Krendall11 years ago
You'd think YouTube would've fixed that by now.
MadMatty11 years ago
Never convert 60 to 30 fps for the sakes of it. We store all vids at native framerate. Youtube be damned if it doesn't re-encode properly.
Tsunao11 years ago
Right click and save as.
Jihao11 years ago
So i had to change the file/s to run at 30 fps, same length, same video, etc.. you might have to reencode/convert if you get a similiar problem.
Jihao11 years ago
I fixed the problem i was mentioning before, turns out if you upload a file to youtube that runs at 60 FPS your video has a chance of getting screwed up since their encoder is crap.
xRavenXP11 years ago
Touhou 06 and 07 (full and parts included) are already send. Encode of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight almost done. Wink
Jihao11 years ago
Well, someone with the proper tools and the free time should be able to do the testing and provide some side information themselves.
ccronik11 years ago
I think forum needs topic on capture software. Today there are tons of them, some good some bad and it's hard to download and try them all.