Shoutbox Archive
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TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Awesome job on MM, always. Now, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks and my Zelda video collection will be complete. Zelda monopoly in play!! :-D
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
I banned him, he was already warned once to not overdo it - but he didnt listen!
PattyBoi12 years ago
Btw why let "spamming" bother you so much, its not like its actually hurting you, why can't u just "Walk away" so to speak and ignore, instead of beign negative, why not be ope
PattyBoi12 years ago
Ps how do you know if i am even a guy? Sexism alert!
PattyBoi12 years ago
Hello Agent Orange, I am not spamming, yet i apologize about my slightly overdue of PErcy threads. but DONT you dare call it crappy! I'm just trying to spread the word about the movie coming ou
AgentOrange12 years ago
Who is PattyBoi and why is he spamming the forums with a bunch of different threads about a crappy movie?
Stenio_Henrique12 years ago
Hello.. I need help
ccronik12 years ago
Hi. I have uploaded my first video under "Arcade - Insector X" folder. Actually, I've uploaded two such folders by mistake. In one is incomplete video file. Sorry.
Tsunao12 years ago
And, some games I process just take eons because I am slow.
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
I usually process the vids in batches thats why it takes some time.
jerry12 years ago
I suppose the main reason for delay is that mods can't simply put any random video to public access, they must watch the entire video first (even if that 30-40 hrs or smth), just my opinion
Krendall12 years ago
I see how long until a vid goes onto YouTube, but generally how long is it until a vid is available to download?
Azul Fria12 years ago
I'm a little confused. The support section said NES resolution is 256x240 tis scaled to 512x480. I can still fix the resolution easily since the game was recorded at 256x224 but I guess that's
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
Spazbo4: get into IRC, i need to ask something about your RE games!
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
What are you talking about smegbug2?
smegbug212 years ago
I'm obviously not welcome here anymore...
ULTIMA12 years ago
Hey fans - as you can see ive been away offshore again and I havent had any time to record or upload any of my recordings!
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
I hope someone does Tecmo's Secret of the Stars some day. I love that game and would love to see a LP of it.
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
"Approved", I mean.....still, WTF??
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Ok, dammit....."pending" for the upload of Majora's Mask?? Days now....WTF??