And if you do the 3D, I'll have to make a new folder for it, and I have the 15 already....
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
3D is cool, but the N64 version could use a redo as well
Tsunao12 years ago
Well, I was going to do OoT 3D 100%, but only on the main quest. For Master Quest, it will just be dungeon trekking without showing heart piece gathering.
smegbug212 years ago
I asked because I can turn in a Slim Jim code and get a free piece of DLC for those games. I thought I'd give one away.
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
.....also, I'd like a winning lottery ticket and a pony while I'm wishing....
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Tsunao is working on MM now. It would be cool if someone started on Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks or both. It would be AWESOME if someone would re-do OoT and Windwaker to 100%......
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
That DOES suck, ULTIMA.....While I have never submitted any games, the ones I've requested I have played to 100% only to have my 7 yr old erase them because he got "button happy".....
smegbug212 years ago
Anyone own Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, or Dead Space 3?
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
ULTIMA12 years ago
I actually recorded MM but got rejected 100% recording with 100% bomber book done too
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
I know, I know.....I'm too picky. No offense to RickyC, I enjoy watching the playthroughs anyway. Just wish more sidequests and thoroughness had been shown is all