I couldn't get the password reset to work, either....soooo, I just made a new account
Trexer12 years ago
Trexmaster here. I'm having problems with logging in with my old account. I've tried to reset the password but it gives me the "Try again" error.
What am I supposed to do?
Ravenswood12 years ago
I'll keep the new one as my spare account when I have problems with this one.
Ravenswood12 years ago
It works. Thanks, T.
Tsunao12 years ago
Funny. I know the password reset thing works. I tried it last night when Geekmeister was having problems. I will reset the password. I will PM it to you.
JetWing3412 years ago
I have problems logging on my old accoun (Ravenswood). I tried logging in, and it says "Incorrect password." I tried resetting the password many times, but an error occurs every time.
Waldimart12 years ago
@ScHlAuChi Understood.
smegbug212 years ago
ents" will keep me away from this site.
smegbug212 years ago
Hare, the latest movies box is dead, and the list contents are too close together to find anything very easily. No offense, but I thought this would happen. Whatever, I'll adapt. No "improvem
smegbug212 years ago
It must be said. New Site = New Coke, Old Site = Coke Classic. The search is overly complicated and when you search for 'dead space' you get results like 'Animaniacs' and 'Bucky O
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
Use the Submission Status Page for future longplays
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
That will be re-added soon
MadMatty12 years ago
@Jerry I setup link for Homefront.
emergency212 years ago
i like new site but is there some page similar to old longplays.org/latest.php (page with list of latest 50 videos)? it was most useful page back then
Waldimart12 years ago
Re-Upload of Ecco Jr. finished.
smegbug212 years ago
I wish there was a game about repairing a busted spaceship, but without monsters and the threat of death. Just fixing and exploring, a peaceful space game.