Yay, I got to reinstall everything back on my computer... well F me.
Krendall12 years ago
@UKMikey Ah, okay, that's a bit more of a legit complaint, then. BTW, why are so many people hating on XBox One? Is it just the no backwards compatibility or is there more?
Spikestuff12 years ago
UKMikey On top of that the likes have been either botted or legit. because before the disabled there was 12k dis and 4k likes.
UKMikey12 years ago
Re Microsoft vs 1st amendment: They recently closed down the comments on the YouTube of their presentation. Can't blame them with that kinda feedback LOL.
MadMatty12 years ago
Look at any internal/external capture solution by avermedia or Hauppauge
Yay, I got to reinstall everything back on my computer... well F me.
Krendall12 years ago
@UKMikey Ah, okay, that's a bit more of a legit complaint, then. BTW, why are so many people hating on XBox One? Is it just the no backwards compatibility or is there more?
Spikestuff12 years ago
UKMikey On top of that the likes have been either botted or legit. because before the disabled there was 12k dis and 4k likes.
UKMikey12 years ago
Re Microsoft vs 1st amendment: They recently closed down the comments on the YouTube of their presentation. Can't blame them with that kinda feedback LOL.
MadMatty12 years ago
Look at any internal/external capture solution by avermedia or Hauppauge
Ravenlord12 years ago
Can somebody recommend best hardware to record PS2, PS3, I know only Dazzle
Spikestuff12 years ago
You know what since I am doing a 2 player 1 controller with Crash Bash I'm going to do that in Point Blank.
TheDarkRyder12 years ago
Over a month to approve and post AT LEAST Bioshock Infinite? ? Seriously? You guys are farkin' killing me....
MadMatty12 years ago
@Tsunao Its called the xbox 360! you connect it via the hdmi input on the new console
emergency212 years ago
woooo! at last all longplays that started at first day 2013-02-18 finished recording stage!
Tsunao12 years ago
Supposedly, you can play 360 games on it: there will be some peripheral you use on it. I read about it some time ago. It would be sold separately.
Krendall12 years ago
Well, that sucks. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's trampling on the 1st Amendment, though.
Ravenswood12 years ago
With the newest Xbox, gamers can not play Xbox 360 games on it or use Internet features.
Spikestuff12 years ago
johtto You doing CTR on console or emu?... also do EVERYTHING and platinum relics.
Krendall12 years ago
@Ravenswood What do you mean?
UKMikey12 years ago
@Smegbug You're right, different architecture. Please disregard what I said before
perikiz12 years ago
Ravenswood12 years ago
Microsoft is very rude. It took away video gamers' First Amendment rights.
smegbug212 years ago
Xbox One is not backwards compatible. Just letting you know.
UKMikey12 years ago
@Spikestuff I thought you guys had light planes that flew around with wireless routers on board like the ones the flying doctors use, lol.