I'm kinda surprised at the lack of GTA LP's, frankly. Too bad I'm not good enough at them to be of much help.
mihaibest12 years ago
it would be nice if someone makes a lp of gta 1 or the first fallout games
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
@MadMatty: Oh, okay. Thanks.
Tsunao12 years ago
Like, for me, to tide myself until Project X Zone is released (HYPE!), I have Neptunia Victory, Atelier games, and Monster Hunter. :3
Tsunao12 years ago
@Geekmeister: There's always other games out there. :3
Tsunao12 years ago
If it makes you happy: Evoland is ID 304.
UKMikey12 years ago
Does Evoland have a PC Longplay number guys? I'm kinda anal like that and I wanna know how to file it.
MadMatty12 years ago
@TwilightKitsune. They don't stay private. All ytube vids are scheduled to appear a couple a day so as not to overload subscribers and cause some vids to get missed
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
I mean, I can't really afford to download some of these Long Plays given their immense size.
TwilightKitsune12 years ago
What's the point of having Youtube Encodes, if the videos are just going to be private?
Geekmeister12 years ago
Nerdgasm 2.0 http://www.batmanarkhamorigins.com/ Why oh why is october such a long way away...
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
The Submission Page was restored by the Webmaster, everyone check if nothing is missing!
Tsunao12 years ago
(cont.) Just make them "Uploaded" and just exit the submission page.
Tsunao12 years ago
(cont.) If you already put in the info (like, for example, when I input the info for Mirror of Fate, which got deleted from the list), don't worry about filling in the blanks.
Tsunao12 years ago
To any people readding their longplays to the list and making them "Uploaded": you don't have to input the information again.
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
Due to a bug a ton of submissions were deleted - read the news!
ScHlAuChi12 years ago
@Ravenlord: Dont have to add her if she is the 2nd player, only when its a longplay done by herself. (You can add her as 2nd player in the "Add download" window)
JagOfTroy12 years ago
@Ravenlord, Just use FCEUX. It will record at the proper res and then use pointresize to make it the proper format for YT.
Ravenlord12 years ago
What is preferred resolution for recording NES?
Ravenlord12 years ago
Admins pls add Lydia Skellington in submission base, so I can add longplay done with her