Shoutbox Archive
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Geekmeister11 years ago
Nerdgasm 2.0 Why oh why is october such a long way away... Shock
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
The Submission Page was restored by the Webmaster, everyone check if nothing is missing!
Tsunao11 years ago
(cont.) Just make them "Uploaded" and just exit the submission page.
Tsunao11 years ago
(cont.) If you already put in the info (like, for example, when I input the info for Mirror of Fate, which got deleted from the list), don't worry about filling in the blanks.
Tsunao11 years ago
To any people readding their longplays to the list and making them "Uploaded": you don't have to input the information again.
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
Due to a bug a ton of submissions were deleted - read the news!
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
@Ravenlord: Dont have to add her if she is the 2nd player, only when its a longplay done by herself. (You can add her as 2nd player in the "Add download" window) Smile
JagOfTroy11 years ago
@Ravenlord, Just use FCEUX. It will record at the proper res and then use pointresize to make it the proper format for YT.
Ravenlord11 years ago
What is preferred resolution for recording NES?
Ravenlord11 years ago
Admins pls add Lydia Skellington in submission base, so I can add longplay done with her
Error 5211 years ago
How do I submit something
zachary1201211 years ago
wow thanks alot.i should be able to upload a longplay of DJ boy for genesis.
mihaibest11 years ago
in virtualdub go to: file -> append avi segment
zachary1201211 years ago
My video was splited to 2 parts.I have virtualdub but how do i add both videos into one.or am i able to upload both parts?
UKMikey11 years ago
I better get downloading then. Sorry for the gripes everyone Smile
Tsunao11 years ago
I changed it to reflect this (also compare: ULTIMA's CVIII longplay, which was the Japanse version. It isn't CVIII,) TFV was already in the PS1 section. It must've been deleted and rep
Tsunao11 years ago
No. Technically, TFIV isn't on YT. I went over this in the IRC: Valis77 mislabeled Lightening Force as Thunder Force IV, when he didn't play Thunder Force IV (the Japanese version).
MadMatty11 years ago
Is Thunder Force IV on ytube? It is different from the previous Lightning Force IV.
ScHlAuChi11 years ago
They werent added to the page yet, they were only on YT so far!
UKMikey11 years ago
Is it me or are a lot of games in the Latest just reannouncements of old LPs? Cooking Mama and the two ThunderForce for example.